Drugwars Decides to Quit

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We all knew it would come to an end eventually. I don't think anyone realized it would be this abrupt though. Just like all Ponzi schemes, they must eventually come to an end.

Drugwars just announced that it will stop paying out steem in under 48 hours. Instead, they are going to start paying out in some sort of new token they have created which holds no value. This token is called a future token and they predict that it will have great value in the future.

This totally screws people that signed up yesterday and invested a ton of steem. Fortunately, I am not one of those people. I have personally not invested much and I have gotten back all that I have invested. Had I been one of those people, I would probably seek legal action.

All good scams must have an exit strategy. We have all been waiting for an exit strategy, but this is not the one that I expected. I don't think anyone expected this one. I expected it to be left the way it was and people's returns to slowly dwindle. This would leave no room for legal action. This exit strategy opens a huge can of worms. I see trouble in the future.

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