3-meo-pcp 15mg First time going hard

Holy shit is all I can say. I took 15mg of this PCP analogue suspended in alcohol last night. I had already had 3 beers at the point of ingestion but ceased drinking to feel the effects as they came on.

After about 1 hour the effects really showed through. I'm usually a quiet and self conscious person, alcohol opens me up but not much. But after ingesting this substance, I truly felt like a new person. I felt spontaneous and excited about life and VERY manic. I also noticed that at this dosage the extremities become numb but not in a scary way.

About 2 hours in, I literally felt like God. Now, nothing I said was stupid or wrong or embarrassing. I just said what I wanted to, did what I wanted to, all my normal self-deprecating thoughts were out the window. I told my friend that I felt like I imagine a dictator would: all powerful and that whatever I said was right. This felt amazing but was also scary, to myself and to my friend I think.

This feeling persisted throughout the night and into the morning. I hate stimulants for the racing heart and vasoconstriction but this stuff gives all the wonderful "manic" feelings of stimulants with none of the bad side effects. It gives a strange quality to the world around, similar to Dextromethorphan or MXE but more functional and "stimmy".

Would I recommend this shit? YES with a caveat.

I could certainly see this shit being very addictive. Already I want to take more, I want to feel that insane power I felt. So to use it, you must know this will happen and plan ahead that you will control intake.

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