Weed vs. Wax

      Weed and Wax.... both have their merits. Is one truly better than the other though? That depends on your situation. I'm here to juxtapose the two, and give my opinion on which one is the superior way of ingesting good 'ol THC.


Weed has a very strong odor, and in this day and age nearly everyone knows the smell. If you're out at the park smoking a joint, you can be sure that those people 3o yards away can smell what you're doing. The good thing about weed smoke though is that the odor it leaves doesn't smell for nearly as long as tobacco smoke does. It dissipates quicker, but while it is there it has a much stronger smell. Wax on the other hand, doesn't have nearly as abrasive of a frangrance. If someone's right next to you they'll smell it, and depending on your concentrate it'll probably have  a slight weedy undertone, but to anyone not experienced with the drug they likely won't know what it is you're doing. In the past I've taken 3 - 5 dabs in my room with my very anti cannabis parents one door over and they were none the wiser. Just make sure you open a window! Now if you can get your hands on some CO2 extracted wax that's even better, as 95% of them will smell absolutely nothing like weed, and will dissipate almost immediately.

And the winner is... Wax


I'm in the minority here, but I absolutely despise the taste of wax. Certain strains are worse than others, and generally shatter will be harder to take than anything else, but it tastes like cleaning chems to me. A lot of people love the taste though, but I'll take the flavor of a nice bowl any day. Weed isn't the greatest tasting thing in the world, but it's a hell of a lot better than wax is, and some strains are even enjoyable.

And the winner is... Weed


As long as you don't have a completely excessive tolerance, you can just take one or two hits off of a vape or a rig and be good. This is far more convenient than sitting down and smoking a whole joint/blunt or bowl. When smoking weed though, part of the enjoyability is the ritual of breaking down your herb, and rolling/packing it before sparking up. So if you're in a rush, then oil is definitely the better option to medicate with, but there's nothing quite like having a nice smoke sesh with some friends.

And the winner is... Wax


There's no question that wax packs quite the punch when compared to straight cannabis. It can be overwhelming to the inexperienced, and your first few times dabbing after smoking only weed in the past can feel similar to your first couple of times smoking weed. But to someone like me who uses concentrates regularly, it's more of the same. However to newbies, wax can be very anxiety inducing if you're prone to it, and can keep you high for 4 - 6 hours. So it's best to keep that in mind.

And the winner is... Draw

The High

I've always found that waxes tend to give more of a sativa esque head high regardless of the strain. This is part of the reason I prefer it over flower. As I can enjoy the sedative effects of a strong indica while still having the headspace only a sativa can provide. Concentrates do this job even better than a hybrid bud would in my experience. So if you like enjoying the full spectrum of effects the plant has to offer, then wax may be for you.

And the winner is... Wax

Value for the Price

For me, there's absolutely no question as to which gives the more bang for my buck. Living in California, with access to medical marijuana, I can get a gram of high quality wax for $20. Most people don't have the luxury of these prices though, oftentimes paying an upwards of 40 - 60 dollars for a gram of oil. So if that's you, I'd stick to flower if price is a deciding factor. If you have cheap product available to you though? A gram of wax will last far longer than a couple of grams of weed. That is if you refrain from going overboard of course. Low tolerance users can take the tiniest puff of a vape and be blasted into another dimension.

And the winner is... Wax


This is probably the most subjective category on here. I know people who can dab all day and still get extremely stoned off of a bowl or two. Yet I also know people who can no longer get high from bud due to having such a heavy tolerance from wax. I used to be one of the latter, but now I've found that no matter how much concentrate I smoke I can still get a satisfactory high from flower. I feel like a lot of THC tolerance is mental, if you have it in your head that what you're smoking won't get you high then you're predisposing yourself to that outcome. With that being said though, there's no question that wax will raise your tolerance much quicker than weed will. So if you're looking to still be able to smoke 1/4th of that joint and get stupid high, then smoking wax may not be the best idea.

And the winner is... Weed

And the overall winner is... drum roll... Wax

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