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  • Tonics
  • Cough Syrup
  • Tranquilizers
  • Anti- biotics
  • Morphine
  • Anaesthesia


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Many of these drugs , which have been extracted from plants or made from chemicals and used for medicinal purposes. But, sometimes they are abused when people start taking them when they are not necessary or take them regularly in high doses to obtain a feeling of pleasure. Read on.....

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Since time immemorial humans have been trying to escape the stress and tensions of both the mind and the body. In addition, they have experimented with p;ants and their products in their search for pleasure of a different kind . Amongst the intoxicating substances used were wins and alcohol obtained by fermenting grapes, potatoes and rice. Some were substances obtained from the poopy plant and some from cannabis. As a result they felt intoxicated, happy or drowsy enough to forget the world and its worries. Generally, people took these intoxicants only on ceremonies or occasions. But a few amongst them became habitual users and got addicted to the substances.
In today's world many new chemical compounds have made their appearance and their is a host of intoxicants at the service of pleasure seeker.Intoxicants produce a feeling of happiness and comfort while hallucinogens( bhang and ganja) create hallucinations, enabling the user to see colours to be brighter and more vivid, heightened perception such as greater and enjoyment of music or get heightened sensation.

For some, it is a way of relaxation after a day's hard labour . For others it is a way of forgetting the stress of the job or domestic life; for some it is a way of drawing attention to oneself and being accepted by one's peers and for some it is sheer adventurism and making a bold statement in a conservative society.

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Given below are some of the drugs that are commonly abused. These are based on a survey conducted to study the kinds of drugs abused and the extent of abuse.

Substance -
Common Name - Sharab, Daru

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Common Name - Ganja, Charas, Marijuana, Hashish

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Common Name - Opium Afeem, Heroin, Smack, Brown sugar

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Common Name - Crack

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Common Name - LSD

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Tranquilizers - Sleeping pills
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According to a recent study conducted in various hospitals and treatment centres the following trend of drug abuse was seen.

Use of Drug as Reported in Treatment Centres



Effects of Drugs

The effect of the drugs vary on different users. They start appearing sometimes
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within minutes of intake but are the quickest to make their appearence in the case of injecting drug users. The most common effect is to feel euphoria , meaning a feeling of pleasure and happiness, which is also termed as 'high'. During these spells the person feels happy, confident and 'on top of the world' .
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Subsequently, the body gets used to the drug and then the person feels nomore excitment with the amount s/he took earlier . This leads to a steady increase in the dosage with the passing of time . Soon a situation arrives when the person becomes totally dependent on the drug and is unable to do anything without its support .

On its Part, the drug deprives the person of good health , sound thinking , skills of works as well as normal respectful life . As a result such persons become a burden on themselves, their families and the society.


Amongst the young, adolescents fall avictim to drugs and once made a captive to their ill effects do not know whom to turn to for help . We need to be aware and be on the lookout for symptoms, to gauge if a younger has fallen a prey to drugs .
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During interviews with doctors and treatment personnel at treatment centres certain distinct signs of drug use were identified . They are provided in the table below .

Indentification of warning signs suggesting drug use : Adolescents

  • Unexplained poor school performance
  • Sudden rebellion
  • Behaviour changes
  • Drowsiness
  • Mood swings
  • Increase demand for pocket money
  • Presence of drug use paraphernalia

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If one notices signs one must take adequate action, like trying to find out if the youngester has any problem in life, taking him/her to doctor or to the drug treatment centre . It is also important for the family to spend quality time with each other to prevent drug abuse .

Preventive Measure

The youth can be counselled about the ill effects of taking drugs so that they consciously stay away from drugs .

Here are a few things a person can do in order to prevent herself/himself from falling into the clutches of drugs . These are :

  • Staying away from people who take drugs
  • Staying away from places which are associated with drug use/abuse
  • Working harder
  • Not carrying much money
  • Eating a healthy and hearty meal
  • Handling the emotions of anger or frustration directly and not hiding behind drugs
  • Talking to a close family member or a friend
  • Telling oneself the consequences of drug use and weighing them against the benefits of not taking drugs
  • Seeking the company of those who do not take any drugs
  • Going for walks or developing hobbies that give satisfaction
  • Joining a course

This will increase the feeling of self - worth and confidence . Once this happens the attraction the drugs will automatically reduce and one can lead a happy and healthy life . However, if one feels a sense of addiction then one must take IMMEDIATE HELT of a family member, friend and the subsequently of a trained doctor in this area.


Here , is my new blog of today and i hope you appreciate it too...
SAY NO TO DRUGS.........
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K PsYcHO....

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