The Little Voice - Joins Patterns Together

There are so many stories falling all around me. A matrix line dashing down the page. Which one do I want to travel and fall down with? Which one will be the next in my mission?

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Maggie looked at the screen in front of her, she wasn't really looking though, she was signing in and pouting her lips. Snap! Great her streak was going to continue. She had her friends and she got to sign in regularly, like clockwork. 58 days and counting.

She was smiling and showing the world what a great time she was having. Oh, look! There's Sharon! She's on holiday. Ha! Look Kevin, he's trying to grow a beard.

From the periphery of her eye, Maggie noticed someone walking towards her. It was Geraldine, her boss, and she'd seen her on her phone, "Shit! Now I'm in for it." she side whispered, but kinda loudly, so Stacey her friend would hear. "I betcha I'm gonna get another bollockin'!"

Stacey turned her head, "What d'ya say, Mags?" Stacey had been deep in thought when Maggie caught her attention. She saw Geraldine looking over, and so she smiled. She liked Geraldine, she was a good manager. Firm but fair.

Two different perspectives, diverging from the story, weaving different patterns.

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The screen in front of me is on but I'm not watching the story. It's my husband's show. I have mine. He has his. Just like our towels. He has the navy one and I have the frilly pink one. We know what you're thinking. "How do you two get along? You're so different!"

You betcha! Of course we're different. We have our quirks. I like to point them out from time to time. Harry, loves that! I guess that's it completely, we love each other's quirks. "Don't we, Harry?"

Harry turned his head, "What d'ya say, Mags?" Harry had been deep in thought when Maggie caught his attention. He'd been wondering what that pain was. It had been niggling on him for days. "What d'ya say, Mags?"

But Maggie wasn't looking anymore, India had walked into the room and she'd caught her attention straight away. "Hey, mumsy!" India walked over to her mum (and bff) and kissed her daintily on both cheeks. Well, she didn't quite make impact, she didn't want to smudge her lippy, but her mum knew she loved her.

"What d'ya say, dad?" India had noticed her dad straight away when she walked in the room. He looked pale. She didn't like it. "Are you feeling alright? Mum, take a look at dad. Does he look alright to you?"

"What d'ya say, Ind?" Mags had been deep in thought when India caught her attention. She'd been looking at her daughter and imagining all the fun things she was getting up to. She'd love to be able to friend her on SnapChat but who'd want their mum to know everything they got up to? You know what I'm saying right? I'm allowed the edited version on Instagram. The one she edits the photos of. I'm so proud. My daughter has photoshop and knows how to use it!


Mags came to. "What?!" she snap - ped.

"Mum, I think dad's having a heart attack!"

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There are so many stories falling all around me. A matrix line dashing down the page. Which one do I want to travel and fall down with? Which one will be the next in my journey?

Maggie looked at the screen in front of her, she wasn't really looking though, she was signing in. Facebook. Ping! She'd got a message. Who could it be? I bet it's Barbara. Great! She wanted to tell her about the apple pie she'd cooked at the weekend. It had been such a success with the cricket club. Everyone had loved it.

She was smiling and showing the world what a great time she was having. Oh, look! There's Matilda! She's on a trek in Patagonia. Ha! Look Kevin, he's such a whizz! I knew he'd ace his course.

From the periphery of her eye, Maggie noticed someone walking towards her. It was Geraldine, her tennis coach. Maggie couldn't help admiring how much energy the woman had. She was amazing. How she managed to coach 4 clients and still hold down a full-time job, she just didn't know. Mind...she didn't have kids...

And she didn't have Netflix either...

She wasn't on Facebook...

She didn't watch "Silly Zombie tv programmes..."

She hadn't read LOTR and said she'd started to read The Hobbit when she was thirteen but hadn't got very far. Oh my goodness! How hadn't she seen how incompatible they were?

Maggie jumped! She attached herself to the falling green code that was representing the activity of Geraldine's virtual reality environment on the screen. This pattern was new. It was exciting.

She'd never been a Geraldine. She'd never had that level of fitness.

There are so many stories falling all around me. A matrix line dashing down the page. Which one do I want to travel and fall down with? Which one will be the next in my repertoire? Which pattern will I choose?

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Geraldine opened her eyes at exactly 7:00. Just like clockwork. She was a disciplined. She chucked her sheets off herself and walked barefoot to the shower room. The cold tiles greeted her and the water jetted out waking her up. She smiled brightly to another beautiful day.

The screen blinked off.

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This short story was inspired by #DropintheOcean's Word of the Week: Pattern. If you'd like to join us this Monday at 8 pm UTC over on the BuddyUp server, you can. Here's a safe link:


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