Buddy UP Community - "Word of The Week" = FREEDOM.

Wow, what a word.


I've heard people talk about their freedoms and liberties, about their rights as free people and the list could go on and on.

However, what I notice is that no matter how many times and to what degree people talk about these topics which all eventually elude to and concretely lead to the idea of Freedom, I don't see the change in mindset that can bring it all about.

What is it that stops people from taking the steps forward towards a brave new world?


Worse yet, What is it that drives people to be exactly like the oppressors once they manage to get into a position of power?

It is almost like a viscous circle, one oppressor goes out the next comes in.

With each new regime, the individuality that makes us unique is literally crushed and everything is the same as it was if not worse.

What is it that drives humanity to keep repeating all this insanity?

On the 23rd of August European nations give homage to all the victims of totalitarian regimes.

For one example of this entire insanity that I was talking about earlier, I see it in Europe and especially on this date.

Many of us remember the "former eastern block", basically all the nations that were subdued to the terrors and evils of the socialist/communist regime.

Communism, killed over 100 million people on this planet that we know of.

We have all heard about the evils of the concentration camps, both the work camps and the death camps. Literal inhumanity that can not be justified in any way, manner or form.

Yet, even in todays world, the European Union in particular, there are so many ex totalitarians, ex commies in power. There are dozens of communist parties legally in existence, yet on the 23rd of August these same people hypocritically give homage to the victims of their terror and inhumanity.


On one end of the spectrum, I dare say that it could be a transitional phase, yet in reality, I see the reality of things here and see that way too many people still think like totalitarians.

Hence, even if they claim to be "Free" and "respect peoples freedoms", all the EU nations have signed off on the UN AGENDA 21, which literally directs the stripping of all humans of all rights that could ensure their freedom as human beings.


So my point is that if peoples freedoms to individuality are oppressed using any of the idiotologies with whatever means they see to be acceptable to achieve their goals and final solutions, then there really is no difference between any of the terrorists out there.

We have yet to experience freedom and from what I can see, we are a long ways away from any form of freedom that will ensure our individuality and rights to be respected as such.

Again, a tough topic to hit on, but what I have touched on here is something that I feel needed to be said, no matter who all may not appreciate the angle that I took on the topics.


Yours truly,

If you want an avatar and other graphics like my “Robotroo” contact @jimramones


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