The Benefit and Advantage from Dropil Project

For many people, entry into the world of crypto investing can be a daunting experience. Trying to figure out where and how to invest and hearing all the stories about people mishandling their money will put even the most trigger-happy investor on guard. Multiple start-ups decided to offer a solution to this problem; one of them is Dropil.

Dropil can, in a way, be characterized as a lending platform. Many crypto investors shudder at hearing the word “lending” being mentioned, as platforms like Bitconnect and Davor brought quite a lot of negative press to the term. Dropil however isn’t an actual lending platform as it does “lend” your money but only to use its automated trading bots to invest it for you. To ensure their safety in legal terms, the company founders registered it as an IBC (international business company). They also claim they are completely privately funded which might give them extra flexibility but can also result in mismanagement and issues moving forward, so take that information for what you will.

Dropil markets itself as a “simple, intuitive, and automated tool for the cryptocurrency market”. They offer financial planning and investing into cryptocurrency to inexperienced investors by utilizing a wide range of automated tools. Long-term investments, short-term investments and retirement plans that are “better than any other opportunity in the world” are something that the Dropil platform prides itself with.

Their main selling point is the automation of the trading process; the platform offers trading with very little input required from the investors while guaranteeing them high profit margins with minimized risk of suffering losses. This lifts the burdens that come with regular investing from investors backs and creates a stress-free, low friction, easily accessible experience. The platform focuses on delivering the information that you need instead of wasting your time with useless analytics that you maybe don’t care about as a beginner investor.

The list of investors who can benefit from Dropil is extensive:

1. People looking for stable investments with minimal maintenance/residual revenue generation.

2. People who like to enjoy the benefits of having a highly diversified portfolio

3. People who want protection from market volatility

4. People who want to invest in the blooming crypto market, but do not have:

  • Large investable capital: there are a number of issues which prevent investors with low initial capital from becoming serious investors. Some exchanges suggest daily limits of 10 thousand USD per day, many advanced trading platforms require 25 thousand USD minimum to day trade. Finally, some private advisors recommend initial investors to move in with investments of up to 1 million USD.
  • Basic trading knowledge: Majority of population lacks even the basic trading knowledge required to take a part in the crypto markets. Without this basic understanding the odds are stacked heavily against them and they will almost definitely lose anything they invest in cryptocurrency.
  • Advanced trading knowledge: Even more investors lack the advanced TA, charting and strategy knowledge. Even investors who possess those arent 100% guaranteed to succeed in the crypto markets. This is almost regularly caused by overconfidence, loss aversion and overthinking their moves. Dex limits this human error factor by implementing a trading AI.
  • Time to constantly monitor markets: Cryptocurrency markets move much faster than anything ever seen before. People don’t have time to constantly stare at charts so Dex, an AI designed to do exactly that, will do it for them.
  • A risk threshold for trading or even holding:  Risk is an important factor that every investor needs to consider when making his investment/trading plans.

5. People who do have advanced trading skills, time, and capital and wants to hedge their crypto investment portfolio with low maintenance and safe assets.

6. People who want to invest by HODLing and having a steady investment return

7. People who want to maintain their privacy while investing.

8. People who do not wish to partake in automated investing can still earn revenue by holding the network token which should increase in value as the adoption kicks in.

9. Those who want to setup investments for the benefit of another, such as first start investments for their children.

About Dropil’s system

Dropil’s trading robot system called “Dex” does all the heavy lifting for the user, while their expertly managed portfolio balancing algorithm called “Arthur” manages risk. As the final component the platform offers DROP tokens which ensure privacy and the development of an inner economy, bringing added value and exclusivity to the project.

About DEX and ARTHUR you can read my last post here:


At the end of the day, Dropil looks like an innovative platform that lets users easily become investors in the world of cryptocurrency. Investing, trading, arbitrage and more are completely automated and algorithm based, which should impress tech-oriented people and those who don’t have enough time on their hands to invest themselves. The platform definitely seems interesting but it probably won’t be the first choice of any advanced investor out there. If you are just a newbie looking to dip your toe into the crypto waters for the first time, you might want to check out Dropil.

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