The huge problems drones could cause.

In the recent years there has been an explosion in popularity for drones and though they are quite expensive many people have them. However they cause security risks and other types of risks when criminals or idiots are in possession of them.

Gatwick airport, a small airport in the U.K. has had to close its runaway due to this drone incident and strand approximately 120,000 people on its airport in freezing conditions.

Drones are quite dangerous in the wrong hands because they can reach places undetected that other people can’t go. They can hack devices and like in this case cause mass damage to a place like Gatwick airport.

Soon enough governments will need to enact laws and regulations that will prevent such incidents or give due justice to this type of criminal activities.

Because truth be told, unless using a drone to do some actual good to someone or saving someone’s life then using drones to disrupt and cause inconvenience to them should be seen as a crime, just like theft or mugging.

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