Experts described 10 life hacks that Every Driver should Know

Of the great variety of useful information for car enthusiasts, the experts chose only ten things, knowledge of which will help keep the car in excellent condition.

Nowadays, buying a good car is not a problem. Difficulties arise during the operation - not all car owners manage to maintain the presentation and characteristics of their “iron horse” for a long time. For each of these problems, there was a piece of advice that would be useful for any driver to know.

The first life hack is motor oil. It not only lubricates engine parts, but also cools and cleans it. Error with the brand and underfill of engine oil is fraught with unpleasant consequences: thermal decomposition, oxidation and compression as a result of heating, as well as wear of the power unit.

And these are frequent and expensive trips to a car-care center, reduced performance of the engine, and so on.

The second thing to remember is the spare wheel and the tool to replace it. Cars needs mandatory and regular
checks - pressure, valve health, absence of external defects. It is also necessary to monitor the working condition of the jack. The third important tip concerns wiper blades . On average, their service life is six months. Also, do not forget that the wipers due to temperature drops over time become harder. This reduces their effectiveness. It is also necessary to remember about automotive fluids - regularly replace, top up, as they say, keep abreast. The list of the most important of them includes engine oil, coolant, power steering fluid, brake fluid and windshield washer.

It is equally important to maintain the correct tire pressure . This will not only prolong the service life of the tires, but also reduce fuel consumption and save the suspension from unnecessary stress. Another tip concerns headlights and rear lights . All optics need to be checked regularly. Constant monitoring also requires the general technical condition of the car - it is important not to miss the required maintenance , so as not to overlook a serious breakdown and be confident in the safety of your car.

The emergency roadside kit also received its place in the rating.which includes a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a cigarette lighter for the battery, an emergency sign, a tire pressure sensor, a towing cable, an umbrella, a flashlight, gloves, a reflective vest, and others.

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