With the Soccer World Cup to start in Russia, soccer fever starts to affect us, imagine the games and feel the emotions every time you hear the sportscaster on television screaming with emotion because one of the players approaches the rival area . We stop doing whatever we are doing to run to the television and see the outcome of the play.

And for moments like those when you share with your friends and have fun like an ice cold beer, but this time a Michelada cocktail, famous in Mexico. Some references mention that the Michelada was created from the love that we Mexicans have for adding lemons to food and drinks, and on the brink of the glasses of the cocktails that we prepare.

The recipe varies by region in Mexico. In central Mexico, people use this simple and basic recipe, but in other regions more spices and ingredients are added which makes them a super elaborate cocktail at times. This Michelada cocktail is also known as Chelada.


*1 slice of lemon
*Exit enough to skirt the glass
*Ice cubes
*5 oz lemon juice
*1 cold, light or dark beer


*Spread a tall glass or jar of beer with lemon and salt
*Add ice cubes and lemon juice.
*Fill the glass with beer. And enjoy!


*Algunos ingredientes que puedes agregar a la receta para hacerla más compleja, son el jugo de jitomate, salsa Maggi, salsa inglesa, salsa de carne, salsa de soja, pimienta negra, chile Arbol triturado o cualquier otro chile en polvo. Todos tienen su versión personal en México.
*Otras versiones más creativas llevan ostiones, camarones y apio. Así que sé creativo y haz cócteles fabulosos. Y, aunque estoy lejos de México, estaré viendo los partidos de mi amada selección mexicana.

source https://www.mexicoenmicocina.com/receta-coctel-michelada/

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