Homemade Pina Colada Cocktail | Easy and delicious!



When we have a drink somewhere, my current favourite cocktail is Pina Colada. Now must I admit, that these aren't really expensive to drink in a bar, especially not when they have happy hours.. But still, I don't always feel like going to a bar when I would love a drink. And the one that tastes the best here is about 30 minutes walking/tram distance lol. So not the best option to go to when just wanting to enjoy a drink during the weekend. So I decided to look up the recipes online, and compare them so I can try to make it at home.

My first attempt failed because they speak about coconut butter in many recipes, and I bought coconut butter, clearly not the one they meant lol. Too bad, that weekend I didn't have a nice cocktail. I didn't want to make it with Malibu rum, because I know they don't use that in the bars either and Malibu is quite expensive here. I wanted to make this drink as cheap as possible. I found white rum at the Lidl supermarket for about 6 euro (not sure what the price exactly was, but I know it was the best option by looking at the prices)


So what did I use eventually? I was in another supermarket and suddenly I saw this bottle of Pina Colada liquor. It was pretty cheap (about 5 euro) so I thought I could give it a try. Of course, I needed pineapple juice too, so total costs were 12 euro I think. I don't have a cocktail shaker in the house, so I just used crushed ice in a glass, poured the Pina Colada liquor until the same level of the ice, then only a little bit of rum (I think about 1/5 of the Pina Colada, I don't measure it exactly) and fill the rest with pineapple juice. To mix it up, I used the straw, works fine! Taste it, and if you like it.. you have your cocktail! Personally, we both loved this mix better than any of the cocktails in the bars so far, and you can make a lot of cocktails from those two bottles of alcohol...So you have a pretty cheap drink.




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