Dancing in the Kitchen

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I've been missing in action for around 3 years. But, it seems I returned just at the right time. Time that allows me to get my boogie on and celebrate a one year old's anniversary. And who doesn't like an excuse to celebrate?!

What is this celebration I speak of? Well, the best way to find out is to visit @dreemsteem's post here. Because, this celebration is for her baby, DreemPort.

I may not have been there at the birth. I may not have been there for the majority of its first year. But I am here now, and I joined DreemPort almost immediately. Why? Because I love Dreemie!

Dreemie is one of those special souls. She is warm, generous, loving and loveable. Her heart is BIG, and it has a way of making the hearts of those around her grow too. But, before this post becomes overly gushy (Lol!), I'll get back to the main focus which is CELEBRATION!

Today is Wednesday, and for those that read the above post by Dreemie, you'll see that means it's time to:


Now I intend to dance in my kitchen, for most of the day. I will get my wiggle on and groove and slide and tap and laugh. Definitely there'll be lots of laughter today. I will dance like no one is watching. I may also sing along to the toons I play, like no one is listening. It's the best way, believe me! Lol!

But, as this is a very special occasion, I'm going to share something with you. Only YOU, mind. Don't be showing this to anyone else. This'll be our little secret, and I'll bring you a little more into my crazy, fun world.

What I'm about to show you happened a few years ago. It was close to the time when my family and I moved into our new Irish home. We were celebrating then too! We had lived with my outlaws (my hubby's parents) for four months. They got their nickname during this time, lol! I love them really, but four months is a llllooooonnnnnnggggg time to spend with anyone else's family. 😂🤣😂

So, without further adieu, here you go.

This is for Dreemie and DreemPort and celebration! Happy Birthday, DreemPort!

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