Newbie Marathon: Your Challenge for Week 2! Keep it Up, Don't Slow Down!

Hi, Dreemers!

The first week of the marathon is behind us! How are you feeling? Are you still having a good time? We hope you're having a blast, to say the least!

Pace yourself and keep your rhythm!

We couldn't help noticing how many posts have been submitted to DreemPort! Wow! It's amazing! Keep on bringing those submissions! All that energy has been put to good use and we love to see those tags being used. Tags like #DREEMPORT and #DREEMERFORLIFE for example...

What's even more exciting, is to see that we can be at the heart of all that energy and to be part of the activity to inspire people to achieve growth.

REMEMBER...this is all about FUN! It is NOT a real race! It is about working together, about connection, about BUILDING SOMETHING THAT WILL LAST!!

The purpose of all the effort we are putting in now...of all the effort YOU are putting in now, is to give you the tools you can use for a very, very long time!

Some of those tools are, support, encouragement, exposure, engagement, and relationships to name but a few! And hopefully, we can be a part of the relationships that you are building right now.

It's about meeting newbies right where they are right now and meeting veterans who can remember what it was like to be there back in the time when they were newbies. It's about creating a sense of a tribe that helps one another and supports one another.

Important: Keep This in Mind.

Keep in mind that even though you are getting points and you can earn bounties...even though you get rewarded for engaging in the comments section and all those nice's never meant to cause you any stress or to overwhelm you. The emphasis is on HAVING FUN!!!

Whatever your limits are, realize it, graciously accept those limits and know that we will respect those boundaries as well.

What might be your limits now, might be childs-play within the next 6 months, maybe 3 months...or maybe within the next month or so! Who knows. The secret is in accepting where you are now and enjoying the journey!

If you want to grow, you must learn to relax and allow yourself to get enough rest to keep those creative juices flowing!

Oh yes...while on the topic of rest. Did I mention that we here at DreemPort believe in taking a break, taking 1 week of rest each month? And we believe in treasuring our weekends too, so we also take time off over weekends. That way, we want to ensure that we don't burn you out and we also look after our staff for the same reasons.

That's why, every Monday, we all come back full of energy and vitality and ready to start the new week!

More About DreemPort.

DreemPort is not just about connecting people to each other but connecting individuals to communities.

We believe that is what makes the difference for newbies. Even newbies with family or tribe, we believe you need more. To really really develop to your full potential, you need exposure to a community...or even more than one community to really give expression to yourself and your passion/s and get the exposure you need, stretching even beyond the tribe.

A community...or maybe even several communities will be able to be there for you in different ways, offering you different opportunities and different venues to express all different facets of your personality whether fiction writing, being out in nature, traveling, building or developing your craft, cooking, making video-presentations, singing or music, or whatever you are passionate about...or even multiple things you are passionate about.

It is so easy to get overwhelmed. We often hear that you should "just write about your passion". Or "find your niche and only focus on that". Then build your tribe by focusing on your niche and writing what you are passionate about.

But do you know your "niche market"? Do you know exactly what your passion is and if so, do you feel confident enough to write about your passion with authority?

Have you ever considered any of the following questions...?

  • Do you know where to find people who will read your posts?
  • Where can you find more people to start building a following... your own tribe?
  • Where can you "test the waters" to find what you really are passionate about (maybe even discover new things you are passionate about)?
  • Where can you start writing about your passion while you have the opportunity to learn even more about it?
  • Where can you improve your skills in the craft of writing while being able to enjoy the support of like-minded people?

Does any of those questions sound familiar? Have you asked yourself any of these questions?

There probably already are multiple communities on HIVE to nurture those passions in you.

Those communities are the places where you will find the people who want to read your posts. That is where you will get eyes on your work.

Create quality content and you will start growing your following within those communities. Engage with the people in those communities and you will start building relationships.

Our job at DreemPort is to connect you to a variety of communities that are out there.

What we do every month is collaborate with a new community every month to give people the opportunity to try something new each month and give it enough of a chance before giving up.

The Newbie Marathon

But for the Newbie Marathon, we want a variety to be given to you quicker.

So, this week we're going to offer you three options for the DreemPort Challenge.


What you need to do, is to write your post and submit the URL to DreemPort on THURSDAY, July 13 by 5 pm PACIFIC.

We will provide you with a choice of three communities from which you can choose. You can write your post in any one of these three communities and then submit it to DreemPort on THURSDAY.

Three Communities to choose from:

  1. Wednesday Walk - Giving you the opportunity to get out of your office or house. Get out in the open and take some photos of what you see and experience. Whether it is in your garden or if you really want to get out in nature, share your experience with us. This community has been started and is being run by @tattooddjay. Read their guidelines here.

  2. Foodies Bee Hive - Don't just give us a recipe. Talk about the process. Why did you choose this recipe? What did you enjoy along the way? Give the experience. Fill us with excitement to be willing to do this ourselves. A community moderator for this community is @foodiesunite. Read their guidelines here, just below their description.

  3. Three Tune Tuesday - This is not really a community. It is more of a project where you use #threetunetuesday in a post on a Tuesday and share 3 tunes of your choice. You can publish your post in any community of your choice such as MUSIC, GEMS, PROOFOFBRAIN, etc., as long as you still abide by the rules and guidelines of that community. This project is hosted and organized by @ablaze. Here is a recent update from the host. Thank you to @kenechukwu97 for pointing me to this post. According to this post, the host is going on leave for a while, but I'm sure the project will continue as normal. Read a few posts in this project to get a feel of what they do.

You can write your post on any day, but be sure to submit your post to DreemPort on Thursday as mentioned above.


  • Please read the Community Guidelines and be sure to abide by them.
  • Please do not misrepresent DreemPort.


Don't have any new work to submit?

No problem. You can grab an old post and submit it to DreemPort.

REMEMBER: You can submit every single day to DreemPort! New posts, old posts, whatever you like. Just get your work into DreemPort, because that is how people will start to see you and how you will get eyes on your work.

Just remember that THURSDAY is set aside for the challenge when you submit your post in the community of your choice. In other words, you can post in Wednesday Walk on Wednesday, but you would submit the URL to that post to Dreemport for the Challenge on Thursday if Wednesday Walk was the community of your choice. Likewise, you can publish your post in another community, using #threetunetuesday on Tuesday, but submit that post to DreemPort on Thursday.

More Fun Coming Up Next Week!!

DREEM has one more thing planned for this week...

It's a bit of CREATIVE FUN to add to the mix!!!! have a blast!!!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kenechukwu97, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @acgalarza, @jacoalberts, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Marathon Image by runffwpu edited in CANVA by @jacoalberts

D-divider, designed by @dreemsteem

All DreemPort banners and logos property of DreemPort.

Written by and posted @jacoalberts for the Dreem Teem.

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