It's time for week one - tallying the points!!! PLUS...

Yes - Plus!

but before we get to that...


Tomorrow you're going to get MORE info about what is coming up for TASKS this week...

but this one is the fun!!! and me? I love me some fun!! especially when it gets people creatively connecting! hehehe

Now... have you ever seen the secret symbols that people use as gestures - usually members of secret - or not so secret - groups will have them! Some have negative connotations... lol OURS WILL NOT!

We want you to get together with your tEEm members and decide on a symbol that will live on in your DreemPort history!! hehehe

Here is the deal...

EVERYONE must come up with a hand symbol that they think represents their TEEM.

but... then everyone will VOTE amongst the symbols offered in their teem - and then choose the ONE symbol that will represent them in the future!

You must write a post due on WEDNESDAY IN DREEMPORT BY 5PM - that contains TWO hand symbols, that you are acting out in photos.

One symbol that YOU created - (with a description of what it means, and why it's important to you)

and one symbol that you all voted to be your TEEM symbol! Be sure to explain why the TEEM decided this is the one you chose to represent you all!


what is OFF LIMITS for anyone to choose as their hand symbol?

  • obviously anything offensive. This is meant to be fun, keep it light and fun!

  • and... no love, or peace or thumbs up. hahahaha why??? are THEY offensive?? Of course not. But they are overused, and so easy and we want you to be CREATIVE

  • you can't choose the ones that I'll show now. Sorry. I came up with them. haha Be imaginative and come up with YOUR own 😍

Here are my examples of what I would bring to my TEEM, and how I might describe it!

I was thinking of two links, interlocked! And how that unity helps to make the whole chain strong, durable, and dependable! If I was going to be using this as my post - I would explain a little something about our teem and WHY I see this being such a strong symbol for us. Maybe already, you've noticed how your members are coming together in creative ways, sticking up for one another, supporting each other well... Fill in your post with WHY the symbol you chose is PERFECT FOR YOUR TEEM!

AND THEN... let's pretend that my teem liked my idea - but went with another symbol! Maybe this one is what my teem chose!

I was ATTEMPTING to make a yin/yang symbol here. hahaha You'll see that some things you REALLY want to do - are difficult to achieve with just the hands. If you'd like to add in some props - GO FOR IT. hahaha Just MAKE SURE that the hands are making the gesture CLEARLY!

Now, I would explain why we all voted and decided that this was the BEST gesture to represent our teem! I'd explain where I saw our strengths and weaknesses coming together and being balanced in a way where we just were shining all around, and covering each other's areas of struggle. I won't say more - you get the idea!

Let's make sure to get around to other TEEM symbol posts on THURSDAY when we curate all the entries dropped in on WEDNESDAY!!

Have fun teems!!! Be sure to reach out to each other using Whatsapp, Chats, Discord , comments - WHATEVER works best for you all!!!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kenechukwu97, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971 @silversaver888 @lizelle, @jacoalberts and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

hand gesture images 1, 2, 3

All other images are mine or belong to DreemPort

3 columns
2 columns
1 column