Dreemerge Season 2; I am having fun, are You?

The second week has been a bit more sedate with some consolidation of cards and of people, and watching the story unfold.

Zekka - Newly Minted Rebel - One of my fav images - though I don't condone her actions.

(@jesus-son check out this cool mint. Now they don't look that boring do they ;) )

The unfolding has been happening at a patient pace, but finally @dreemsteem lost patience and we go the whole background concluded in the fun double feature @dreemsteem/double-feature-4-and-5

For me the fun part was becoming part of a team this week. A team I have named "Team Fresh" It is made up of three musketeers and we are all fresh and innocent and enjoying it :D The other fun part is that all the background stories as well as the PYPT clue (which my team was there to note - thank you fabulous team of mine :) ) all leads to ideas that I have been harboring and discussing with my team.

Handsome for his age  but rotten to the core

Since there is a team now, I don't want to share my prognostications, without their permission. However I can state that we will need a lot of character cards to start taking risk based on our estimations So towards that end we are still looking out for magic cards, and my main ask in team is to keep creating characters for a few more days.

For a new reader Character = Plant + Magic.

(@hopestylist has put together a post explaining this : @hopestylist/dreemmerge-gameplay-season-2-contd}

For more clues you can read my post last week : @brijwhiz/week-1-on-season2-of-dreemport-has-been-craaaaazy-d

What happened here???

I was lucky to snap up some Magic cards when, I assume, Pen was testing it :) After that it has been an arid desert. I am hoping the Dreemport staffers start putting more magic cards into the market. Without those magic cards all activity has come to a standstill :)

Another thing I am looking out for is a way to move cards to other people as it would help a team consolidate. I appreciate this means larger teams might win faster, but hey that' alright. Aim is always to beat the game :D I am sure @dreemsteem and team have thought of it and I expect the next post to give us a way to do it, maybe mint and sell in market.

Elephant in the room / garden : image created on Dalle3 through Bing interface

And that brings us to the elephant in the room. We really don't know what the puzzle is ?!?!?

All we have is the background and some ideas on how characters might merge. But the next couple of posts from @dreemsteem will be critical in working out "What is the question?" Currently we are a bit like headless chickens. Well... not entirely headless as we all have some ideas of how the family members might combine. But merging at this time is dangerous without knowing the final goal.

Hence my suggestion to keep working on creating the character sets, but hold on merging till we know the question. (unless you have double character sets and can take a risk)

She is so not an average Pip :D

Work had been hectic leaving very little time but thinking about Amani's garden has been a good way to relax for a few minutes every day, that and interacting with my team. .

For those unaware the entire set of the season 2 sage can be got from the following collection @dreemsteem put together.


So cute!

Oh yes I did have one more info.

Don't merge Character card with Magic - does not work - I got a rotten Squash for the trouble.

Great Pic - but hating it for what it means

Finally @dreemsteem those images in all the season 2 posts are just wonderful as is the card art. Kudos to you. If someone else helped please pass on my thanks to them too.


Elephant image created using AI (DallE3) Interface was Bing on Edge.
All other card images are pointing to the original assets in Dreemport server and used as part of free and fair usage of cards that I have earned in this game.
The DreeMerge logo is property of Dreemport and shared here as a free and fair usage as the post is about Dreemerge cards in a Dreemerge challenge.

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