Goodbye my friend, Linnet 🖤

And when great souls die, after a period peace blooms, slowly and always irregularly. - Maya Angelou

If someone had told us that I'd come back to this platform after a four years break in order to say goodbye to you, I guess we both would've laughed out loud. Just the way we did when we met in New York in Summer 2017.

Oh, Linnet @dreemit. It's so hard to type these words, because I'm heartbroken.

The world has lost one of its most beautiful souls way too early, a true light, a natural inspiration, a wonderful person, someone to be loved.

@dreemit second from the left

No one can take away the memories we lived

June 2017. It was one of these summery days in classy New York.

You had organized a little meetup with a couple of other content creators, and I was very grateful you did. We had an amazing time there in Greenwich Village!

On our way back, you and I even danced to the music of a street musician down at a subway station. It just came out naturally. You took a couple of pictures with your camera but it got lost on your way home. So all we had then were our memories of this special moment. I will keep them in my heart forever.

We haven't met again in person since then. But we stayed connected over all those years. Probably because we had a very similar way of embracing life to the fullest. There was so much love and light irradiating from the pictures you shared. So much kindness in your words. You seemed to be so content and so grounded. That vibe always hit me. And: your big big smile.

You left too early and so unexpected, sweetheart.

This is why your family set up a gofundme, and they ask me to spread the word.

Hopefully there are still a couple of my old followers around who will find this post in their feed.

We were all devastated by the loss of Linnet on January 24, 2023. This was a very sudden and unexpected loss. The family was not prepared for the costs associated with her memorial and medical care. We would like the family to be able to spend this time mourning Linnet and focus on taking care of each other.

Anyone who has had the good fortune of being at the receiving end of Linnet's love knows how special, bright, intelligent, unique and otherworldly she was. She loved BIG. A beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and talented writer. This world will not be the same without her. We are all better off for the time we have had her in our lives.

Everyone who wants to help Linnet's family during this difficult time is kindly invited to do so. Every contribution is much appreciated.

🖤 gofundme @dreemit 🖤

Around Christmas I published a picture of my little daughter and I on social media, and you commented it with some very lovely words, just as always. I remember that when I read those lines, the first thing that came to my mind was that I'd love to present her to you one day.

I'll definitely do that, because one day we all meet again.

Keep on smiling Linnet, spread that incredible happiness of yours around where you are now. We're heartbroken and devasted as we can't have you with us anymore, but it's good to know that you're safe.

Goodbye Linnet, love you lots 🖤🖤🖤


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