The Secret that should never have been a Secret (For those who keep asking me - Xaniel777)

YOU ARE THE POWER ! You always were.

  1. All you need to do is think it (Mind/Desire),

  2. know it will happen no matter what and beyond any doubt (Faith/Belief),

  3. feel it with great emotion (Heart - part of the meaning of The Immaculate Heart ),

  4. and release that powerful energy from Zero Point (YOU) outward in All directions of the visible and invisible Universe (which is also YOU).

  5. The Universe then gives you what you asked for ( IT ALWAYS DOES WHEN YOU DO IT CORRECTLY , and sometimes when you don't do it correctly, so be careful what you ask for) and your desires manifest into reality !!

  6. This is your gift and rite as a co-creator. You were born with it. You were never a victim, so stop living like one and start living the reality that you have chosen and created.

  7. And I say once again, "YOU ARE THE POWER ! YOU ALWAYS WERE !!"~~~ Xaniel777

{ BONUS TIP: When you see the desire you want/need, (whatever it may be), see it in your reality as though you have already received it.

ALLOW yourself to have this and DON'T get in your own way -

(As an example: doubts, feelings of worthiness, ect. And " DON'T PANIC " if it doesn't appear right away, as the Universe is working out the circumstances for you to receive this particular desire.

But also, don't be too surprised if your desire does happen to appear instantly as that will happen if the circumstances were pretty much in alignment already.)~~~ Xaniel777 }

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