Commodification of Everything Except Our Dreams: 2008 is The Year I Woke Up

In 2008, I started to wake up. 2011 was the year I really woke up hardcore and began to regain my critical thinking skills.

I started talking to people around the world about jobs, our value as human beings and the meaning of our modern lives. I worked in many corporate environments, and I always just started feeling like a refillable lighter after a while. I worked every job imaginable, thinking one day I would find some fulfillment. None of those jobs working at companies fulfilled me. So, finding a place like the Steem blockchain was exactly what I had been missing.

I try to have the abundance mindset, and I sometimes act from dreams. I made a pact with my imagination many years ago....basically it goes like this: if i have a strong feeling or desire, and an image, plan or creative impulse comes to me, I let it describe itself. After it has revealed itself to me, I must act upon it. This is the main reason I no longer have any sort of writer's block. I am given a continual stream of ideas, some bad, some ok, very few good. I go ahead and do them all, without a lot of judgement of myself. I figure others will let me know which ideas are better than others.

Most of the posts that people tend to like take very little time for me to write. In fact, the last one I wrote took hardly any effort whatsoever. I do no editing, and most of what i write has been stirring up inside me for days prior to writing. That is why I don't consider writing to be anything at all. It is thinking which is of absolute importance. And more important than that is the ability to access the deepest recesses of one's mind and subconscious.

Our imaginations contain the last vestiges of humanity that have not yet been commodified.

Ideas are abundant, just like the walnuts on trees. Each year the giant walnut tree behind our house creates hundreds of walnuts, many of which never get eaten. Ideas are the same thing. Our minds naturally produce all kinds of interesting ideas, some good, most bad, and some great. Only a person accustomed to the daily sifting of these mind products will be able to figure out which ones are worth tending to. Even then, it helps if others select them for us. That's why I am a daily blogger, and have been for nearly two years straight. Writing is a way to sort out this constant stream of ideas that have no beginning and will end only when I am dead, or incapacitated.

Those nagging dreams, ideas and fleeting creative impulses are the lifeblood of humanity. Everything else is a giant distraction away from your authentic self.

Human beings are not meant to do the same task over and over again. Let machines do that, while we help to build something worth living for.

Dreams are still not monetized by Facebook. Memories are already outsourced, but dreams belong to something else. I wonder if there will be a day where dreams are somehow fused with VR.

I started creating videos in 2008 on YouTube....I'll be using DTube's hard to break a habit.

I stayed up all night again. I am thinking that my own awakening which truly started in 2008, is somehow intertwined with the birth of Bitcoin. 2008 was the year I began to realize I would soon lose everything, which I did.

But losing everything connected me to 90% of the world. I will never forget the feeling of having nothing. In fact, all of us could lose it all again and probably be ok as long as we have a connection to the abundant stream of ideas inside and a group of supportive tribe members to help us when we fall.

The spammers, scammers and plagiarists won't have that luxury, since they steal the mind gems of others. I just found a dude who had copied my entire article, Steemit is a Test. He made $3 off my work. I have flagged him. It's sad to find it. Not sad for me, sad for him, thinking he has nothing inside to offer, but instead copies my work in an attempt to make a few bucks. Not only did he make $0 (now), but I feel bad that he feels he has zero to offer in the way of thoughts, ideas.

Sometimes I do wonder if the world is ready for Steem. If it's not, then we all have wasted our dreams together.


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