It will barrel you or chennel you club.

After the trials and tribulations of stockings, a damn fine breakfast, and the opening of gifts, your trusty wombat needed a nap.

It may or may not be related to the fact that our family watched The Muppet Christmas Carol last night (do watch it if you’ve not yet seen it), but while napping I had a dream in which someone (I have no idea who) told (warned? admonished?) me “It will barrel you or chennel you club.”

Say what?

Good luck trying to decipher that with Freudian dream analysis. Doing so would chennel you club.

Lots still going on here yet today. A Christmas goose and a huge ham for dinner, my son and my sister-in-law’s family joining us.

I hope that you and yours are enjoying your culturally-appropriate solstice revelries!

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