My Dreams Want Me to Be Catholic

If an institution is not destroyed it repeats the same patterns that it has always done, if the institution has been reformed it repeats those patterns under new guises. If an institution is reformed without being destroyed it is a case of "the more things change the more they stay the same".

The catholic church predates Jesus, as an institution it can trace itself back to the pagan religious institutions of ancient Rome. With the arrival of christianity there was massive upheavals and destruction of pagan symbols and even books. However the pagan DNA of Rome reproduced itself within The Catholic Church. Hence we could say that The Saints are actually the gods of Rome. The Catholic mass is actually pagan rituals. The holy water used to purify oneself of the contamination of the outside world that is present outside the church's is the same as the lustral water present outside Roman pagan temples.

A Treatise On Relics by Calvin gets into the pagan nature of Catholicism and Orthodox christianity.

I was complaining about Pope Francis on facebook one day, later I had a dream where I was at The Vatican and I heard a voice telling me never to speak against one who sits on the throne at the Vatican, may have said throne of St Peter. In that dream I got the impression that The Catholic Church was The Roman Empire and The Pope is The Emperor.


I had another dream about The Vatican being The Dark City, and another dream about The Catholic Church being The Babylon Mystery and Immortal. Rome is sometimes called The Eternal City. And for years I have told people I am pagan, but I had a dream that The Catholic Church is a pagan church.

A few days ago I had a dream I was sitting in a grassy field that had old Roman statues and perhaps Roman ruins. I heard the voice of a woman. I got the impression this was a woman who knew the language of Rome but was not a genetic descendant of Rome. And she asked me "who do you serve?", I said "I serve you my lord". She asked "which direction is your lord?" and I said: "my lord is southward". I live in The USA. I got the distinct impression during this dream I was talking to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Lady of Guadalupe is an apparition of Mary that appeared in Mexico, many claim that it is one of Mexico's mother goddesses who is pretending to be Mary. That story can be found in The Nican Mopohua.

Also during either this dream or one within a day or so of it I was advised to look at "the four agreements" which is a set of four life philosophies developed by a Mexican guy and in the dream a person with a skin tone common in Mexico gave me a slip of paper with the words "the four agreements" written on it.


I was born catholic. The first calling in my dreams to return to catholicism happened many months ago where my great grandfather came to me in my dream wanting me to be catholic. It seemed very important to him. It was like a reverberating heartfelt plea that filled the whole dream scene almost like a sorrowful song. My mother is very catholic, she even wanted to name my sister Mary.

HoweverI find this contradictory with what I have seen in my other dreams. Because for one I translated that Anglo Saxon Rune Poem after a dream where blond people on an island wanted me to translate their song and go through it very carefully word by word. And I have blond hair too. I have a lot of dreams about runes and being a viking. I had one dream about how runes can be used to write prayers using the runic alphabet to write english words in runes. I am of Irish heritage though and so my dreams often advise me to look into things associated with Ireland, its heritage, and its history.

So I seem to be having a lot of seemingly contradictory ethnic things being thrown my way in my dreams. But what I gather from it so far is that my dreams have been very clear about The Alt Right not being good. My dreams want me to avoid The Alt Right and my dreams want me to avoid any sort of White Nationalism. When I was feeling very distressed a year ago I became lucid in one of my dreams and I asked a dream character how I could find healing, the dream character gave me a soothing drink and told me that my body was too acidic and I had to ethnically purify myself.

I looked up the definition of ethnic and found it is rooted in ethnos. I found that Homer used the word ethnos to just mean a herd of animals or flock of birds. So I came to the conclusion that being exposed to the verbal aggression of people on right-wing message boards was damaging my soul. And some other dreams have been even more clear about the dangers posed to my peace of mind by far right internet activists. I was never myself into far right politics but I did enjoy reading some websites out of habit and to get rid of boredom.

But in addition to my dreams warning me to avoid racial activists my dreams have also been advising me to identify with The Catholics as being my people. However my dreams have also advised me to practice catholicism in a pagan way, to be a pagan. And so while it has advised me to be in the Catholic church I have been advised to look to Ireland and to Norse cultural practices for spiritual inspiration. As well as look to places like India and Mexico. I had a dream where someone handed me The Yoga Sutras, and another dream that advised me to practice Indian Repose(meditation). Meditation prior to sleep does help one be able to recall ones dreams, also writing the first word that comes to mind when one wakes can help one remember as well. Especially if the notebook is right next to the bed.

My dreams have also advised me that the entire nation of America is basically toxic and that things like politics and the news are wastes of time. The anglo saxon name Aelfred means Elf(aelf) advised, counseled(red,raed=rede). An elf is a name for a creature that exists in the otherworld(dreamworld). Hence to be advised by elves is to be guided by dreams.

To sum up my dreams say the following: white nationalists & alt right are toxic people, I should identify as being a member of the catholic nation, I should practice catholicism in a pagan way honoring and praying to The Lady of Guadalupe, I should use runes to write prayers, I should meditate, and I should look to Irish and Norse myths and legends.


One dream mentioned that runes survive through people, being passed from one person to the next through the generations in the same way that drugs survive and reproduce by being used by people and passed from person to person. This model indicates that making everyone feel welcome to use runes is a cultural survival strategy because if you want runes to survive you would want to spread them far and wide and perhaps even promote the idea that runes be adopted as the common english alphabet replacing the latin alphabet. Rune could be promotes as being the standard alphabet for every language even.

So I still consider myself a nordic celtic asatru pagan but I consider my church to be the catholic church, for now.

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