"I received a text message about the death of my good friend" - dream interpretation

The dream

I am 16 years old girl. Here is the dream followed by a little background info -

I dreamed that a good male friend of mine was just sending me a message -"Ron my brother was killed". I get the message and also with me is Dona, my friend. I know that on this day he was supposed to go hiking with his brother. The two of us start to cry and then Dona just moves on. I ask her what to do now, whether to call him or not and she says "don't!!" and carries on with other stuff she has to do.

And here are the details - this friend is someone who once almost became my boyfriend. those two months were very, very confused because he just did not know what he wanted. Right now, we're just good friends and yesterday we were in the movie together and he told me he was telling me about his plans to go hiking with his brother today (just like in my dream). He is still a bit in my thoughts even though I know it's not real. I had already dreamed a few months ago that this friend had died but that was something else.


Credit: dailydot

My interpretation

"Death" in the dream signifies the end of an emotional bond between you. Perhaps after your meeting yesterday you wanted to understand what he felt about you, if there was still love (romantic) and the dream gave you the answer. The dream gives a message what'd be your next step – to mourn a little, to cry a little but also to release and move on. (="I ask her what to do now, whether to call him or not and she says "don't!!" and carries on with other stuff she has to do)"

This is a guiding dream and very focused one. Well done, you let yourself receive such a message.

You could not be more accurate! I have to admit that I actually was carrying with me for a few days the feeling that I had finally gotten rid of it. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I have another small question - the last two nights that friend appeared in dreams but indirectly. The Dreams may have been about him or spoken of him, but he did not appear in them.

I guess your question is, "What's he doing in my dream?"

Two options: -

  1. That friend dissipates from the energetic field around you. To that field, we attract the people to whom we have strong feelings. It's like a magnet, the more powerful our feelings are toward them (all kinds of emotions - hate, love, anger, worry, etc.) the strongest the pull. You release your friend, emotionally, and this is expressed in the dreams. Notice that the friend does not appear in the dream, meaning only the shadow of his energy is present.

  2. If he continues to appear, especially in the distant future when you no longer have feelings for him, then he represents a part of you that you have to learn about, get familiar with, accept into your life and not leave "outside", in the dream world.


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