"I am desperately in love but manifest the relationship only in my dreams" - A dream interpretation

Excerpt: dreams in which we feel loved, kiss, hug or make love are amazing! If you had such you know that often the sensations are even stronger than in the physical reality. However, we are not human-beings for nothing, we have not created a physical body just to leave it aside and substitute the physical life with the dream world. The dreams are here to present potentials and we better harness the energy they carry to change the daily reality we create when we are awake! In this dream, from a young woman, I further explain this concept.

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The Dream


I have a small problem; the dreams do not leave me and I would like an answer.

I am a 25-year-old single, a very independent girl with a good career. I am a sales manager and I work in the office, most of the time alone. There is someone who works with me and from the first time I saw him I fell in love with him. I have a very strong feeling about him that is much more than a physical lust.

Every time I approach him he answers my questions and always helps me happily with things that are not part of his work, but I keep my poker face. I have no idea if he is single or interested. Hence, my need for an advice.

A week ago, I had very real dreams about him: I dreamed that I was coming to his office and standing in front of him and I was in a mood as if something bad had happened to me (I am very upset and sad). He strokes my face and gives me a kiss on the forehead and then on the back of the neck and we kiss. That kiss was amazing. It seemed to be so real. Then we make love and I feel everything, and at some point, in the beginning, he stops because I had to do something (I have no idea what) and he asks me if I want us to go and do what I need and he will help me, and I tell him I do not want to. We carry on with the sex, I kiss him and that's how the dream ended.

Immediately after this dream I had another dream about him, as if his office is his home and I come to him and spend the weekend there and his niece (a little girl) there and she really loves me and he goes in and says she does not connect with anyone and it's amazing that she connected with me. And in this dream, I actually understand that the previous dream was a dream and this dream is the real reality! My sister is there and I ask her to tell me if she thinks he is single. Toward the end of the dream, he's getting ready to go. He packs a bag, wears a swimming suit as if it's Saturday and he goes to the beach. He then tells me that he actually contacted me on the Internet via a dating app and I rejected him because I did not see his picture and that he is 40 years old (actually he is 28 years old). In the dream, he is telling me that he was interested and I rejected him.

This happened a week or so ago, and in the reality a few days later my dog had a terrible disc herniation (and I took it very hard because she is half paralyzed) and one day I was on vacation and the next day he saw me and asked me how she was and when I asked him how he knew he said they knew everything and even recommended me of some help with a friend of his who understands the dog's problem.

Last night I dreamed another dream in which we are back in his office and there is a situation where we approach and kiss and then he gets very distant and then we are on the street on some bed covered with a blanket and he only wears boxer pants and tells me to feel comfortable and then I understand that he is not interested in a relationship with me. And there was a girl in the dream at some point who fed him a spoonful of delicacy or something.

I am a very strong person on the one hand and sensitive on the other hand and I feel that I am stopping my life because I feel that I have a certain connection with him even though we do not usually exchange many words. I am very spiritual and live my life according to the "secret" and know how to control my life but when it comes to matters of the heart it is very hard for me.


Photo by Max Hofstetter on Unsplash

My Interpretation

You wrote a lot and at length and it was a good thing. It helps to understand the reality that you have built for yourself. You wrote that you are very spiritual and live your life according to the "secret". My personal opinion is that the "secret" is another of the incomplete tools that feed us. It encourages extra mental thinking, that is, one that puts the rationale at the forefront of everything. After all, "the secret" at its core claims that through thoughts one can create anything he wants. Unfortunately, the rationale we have developed as human beings often blocks the dimensions in which our true self-resides, our dreaming self, and therefore cannot receive all the information that exists and is available to you.

What do I mean?

Let's examine an example - let's say you want to find a partner, a real love, and that's why you use the techniques that you learned in "the secret". However, all you succeed to create is heartbreak, separation, frustration and a lingering sense of worthlessness.

Why is that? The rational mind does not have the complete picture of the reality of your psychic structure. The mind does not know the path of life that you have chosen for yourself, the challenges you have sought to deal with during this lifetime, the value-fulfillment that you have sought to realize. All that your mind knows is to create reality with the tools he has heard about - guided imagination and focused thinking.

Now, based on that structure come your dreams -

Your dreams are very clear. There is not much to interpret here. You feel in love and these feelings created the particular landscape of the reality. Since in reality you cannot hug, kiss and make love, you have used the tremendous and unexploited power of your emotions to create an alternative reality, in the dream state, in which you were able to fulfill your desire. Your reality-creating exercises also contributed to the creation of this dream reality. The reality of the dream is as real as the reality of the waking-self, but it is not comforting to you. You want to love and be loved here, in the waking reality.

A clear connection between the dream landscape, the world of emotion, and the reality is apparent. You feel stuck! You do not believe you can do something. You are inhibited and this frustrates you. You are paralyzed. Indeed, your dog has absorbed this energy and in order to make it easier for you, she has taken upon herself to be paralyzed. I hope you see the context.


Photo by Jayson Hinrichsen on Unsplash

Your ability to create a reality is wonderful but it is you who have to act according to the manifestations that you created.

No one will do it for you. That is, you must concentrate your mental powers (as you said, you are strong) and act. Whether it is to contact the guy directly and find out once and for all if he is interested. This is the real challenge you have asked yourself to face.

At the same time, it is advised that you develop a strong sense of identity within yourself that can cope with a negative answer. I'm not talking about closing your heart or stopping the feeling, but rather understanding that even if you get a negative answer and he is not interested - and even if it happens a thousand more times in your life - your identity is not undermined! You remain the loving and strong person that you are. This is another valuable lesson that must be learned.

What do other easy ways to create reality exist?

There is a way to sow the desired reality instead of trying to create it through guided imagination and positive thinking. The latter, as far as I'm concerned, are hard work that uses a small part of the forces that at our disposal. In a guided imagination we are required to imagine the desired reality - to create mental images of what we want - and then to repeat the process every now and then. With persistent what we want will come true. So you are told.

This method works but it has two main drawbacks -

  • It works only sometimes. More frustrating than that - at some point, it stops working and seems to bring only the opposite of what you want.
  • This method does not really allow you to live. It forces a perpetual self-discipline. One is required to constantly monitor one's thoughts and desires, as well as the imagination, to ensure that all are in line with the desired reality. Such a form of life is difficult for the mind and exhausts the soul.

The natural alternative is the method of sowing a reality. This method has only one element - choosing. Choose the desired reality. One needs to adopt a particular perception of reality, to understand the reality in which one lives (the matrix is a good image, the dream world is another), and then to reach the source of that reality and influence it there. When you place the seed of the chosen reality in the potential field, it is inevitable that this reality is realized on the physical plane. This method requires high self-awareness. Anyone who is not aware of their life will not understand the events that enter their landscape of reality and therefore could not connect the activity of sowing with its given fruits.

Good Luck!


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