Dreams are Messages!

Dreams are Messages!

Have you ever woken up from a dream that left you with some profound insight? Perhaps it made something click in the back of your mind. Maybe you even look at life from a completely new perspective. Some call these experiences mystical or divine, while others see them as simply the subconscious bubbling to the surface of the conscious mind. Whatever may be the cause of these revelations, they can be life changing.

Dreams have long been a source of inspiration and wisdom for those who knew how to listen. In the past, seers and seekers sought the advice of the Sage through their visions. The scientific minds of the modern world claim that dreams are our brains' means to sort through information gathered throughout the day. Either way, a wise person know that there dreams are a source of important, personal information.

This information is often not definable. Certainly, anyone who has had one of these dreams must know the frustration of trying to communicate the apparent message contained within. Everything from the imagery, to the symbolism, to the specific wording that the characters of our dreams all take on a personal twist that directly shifts the sands of our minds so they may settle into a new configuration. Usually these dreams make us feel as if something had been moved within us. Old patterns become unstuck as the message of the dream dislodges previous conditioning, letting the mind become more fluid and open to change again.

How can dreams be so powerful? Because the most influential dreams people experience are so personal and directly reveal hidden information, it may be that we have been communicated with by a higher force. Personally, I find it more unlikely that there isn't an advanced lifeform of some kind that can observe and influence our mental worlds. An alien species with just a couple hundred year head start on us would already have technology that dwarfs ours, and any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

It's comforting to think there is a benevolent force out there guiding us with a slight nudge here or there. We wouldn't want anything more than that, less we feel like we don't have free will. If there is a higher mind guiding our lives, whatever form it is, it must love us to not shove its wisdom down our throats so demandingly. Instead, like a parent raising their child, it would let us play, being our authentic selves, offering wisdom when it feels we need it. If a child is receptive, it grows. If not, the parent smiles, aware that growing is a process with many steps, and at the end of this journey, the child will become just as they are.

First Image created by Artist Awen Nuin of Love Cycle

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Dream Ocean Image Source

Love Cycle is a nonprofit which travels, helping those in need and awakening the people to their power. We provide education and inspiration to all who need it! We are all creatures of the heart, and we spread the love contained therein to be the change we want to see in the world.

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