The Loopty road(dream)

My dream last night was soooo weird.
Me and my mom were driving on a strange free way, then there was a sign that said "Curve up ahead".

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And the road was a bunch of loopty loops, then a police car went up it, and fell.
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I was scared when my mom and I decided to go over it. But when we went up it, we were just fine. When we got across there was a few other people who did to. One of those was one of my class mate from school.

Then we went to find the history of why the road had a dangerous loops. I got my brother to come along. Then we went. Then I woke up in real life.

My mom says dreams, as random as they may seem, are symbolic of how you veiw the world. I have an idea about what my dream is about, but what do you think?

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