Every great dream begins with a dreamer!

A Dream is something that all of us need. Life without dreams is like a bird with a broken wing and it can’t fly .everyone has a dream but the conundrum is people rarely or never recall their dreams at present. I believe there is one thing that making our dream to become impossible is fear of failure. We all have ambitions and goals so what’s stopping us from achieving them ??
So when we start experiencing setbacks failures in our life and sometimes people mortgage self doubt, lack of financial support, lack of motivation. But we should believe that where there is a will there's a way so introducing blockchain-based semi-centralized world’s first social platform to actively connect users around their dreams and aspirations -DREAMR

So now the question arises what is it?
Dreamr is a blockchain-based semi-centralized project through which we can bring our dreams to come true by the process of networking and crowdfunding. Dreamr being a magnificent platform have been created to help the users to attain success, Encourages individuals to share their dream, finding partners that helps you to achieve those dreams also connects you to financial resources for you to able to get the funding required to fulfill those dreams.

Picture shown above will give some idea about what’s the work process is required here but I would like to elaborate and highlight some important points.


The declaration of the dream is the first step it can be done via various ways for example posting a video,text declaration and the dreamr application will make it easier for them to engender it by making the dreams noticeable and shareable.

Note :- dreamr moment last for 72hours and centred around the users dreams.

Step 2. Connect

The second step after the declaration of dreams is to make connections with people interested that will give one important advantage is that the person will get a strong supporting network connection globally.

Step 3. Crowdfunding

After we develop a strong online global connection the crowdfunding will start for fund generation it is combined with KYC and blockchain technology and that’s how the transparency will be maintained and undoubtedly KYC will prevent fraud too.

Step 4. Earn

Here we have an opportunity to monetize our skills in the dreamr peer to peer marketplace. The mobile app will be a well-secured wallet in it which will allow users to make payments.

NOTE:- Dreamr don’t appreciate negative vibes

so they have an amazing feature suppose If you come across any issues so you can report a nightmare, that will help you to surround yourself with positive souls, so don’t let anyone kill your dreams, put the efforts to let your dream come true with the dreamr support.

Find out more about the dreamr project:-


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