Free your inner child and go for your dreams


When I came back from a trip to London where I attended the JT Foxx Speaker’s Event for four days. I had an amazing time and was thrilled by the good vibes, the shared enthusiasm and the inspiring and excellent content we were given. When you are surrounded by the best speaker’s and top coaches worldwide you can imagine the level of excellence and performance. It was absolutely stunning. But the best moment was probably the one, when we were given the opportunity to speak in front of a hundred entrepreneurs for a minute. Just a minute. But believe me, a minute that challenges all in you. It was a powerful experience to go through this fear, to set it free and to rise above it.

Now, why would I tell you this story?
Well, it’s about dreams coming true.
It’s about living up to your wildest dreams.
And about becoming the best version of yourself.

And all of this you knew when you were a very young child.


I was only two years old when I wanted to escape the farm I grew up. So I grabbed a tiny little suitcase and out I went heading to the gate of the yard. Unfortunately my mom stopped me from turning my first adventure into a reality. But fortunately, she captured the moment on a photo. Up to now it’s a precious and dear memory and it says it all about what I knew back then, when I was only two years old: Life is an adventure. This world is big. And there is more to this farm life which I experienced like a prison.

I forgot about this dream and very soon was determined to become a teacher. I knew it by the age of five, when I attended the kindergarten and was capable to read out to my mates. At the age of six I remember having been fascinated about the English language which my elder sister began to learn at school. Whenever she opened the book to do her homework I would set close to her being intrigued by what she was learning. It became my favorite subject two years later and I was often complimented by my teachers.

Years later, I actually enrolled in the teacher’s training to become a Primary school teacher and I do remember having envied all the students which were given the opportunity to do an Erasmus semester abroad. I didn’t dare to ask. Having five siblings, I thought I can’t expect this of my parents.

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Somehow I left my dreams. But my dreams didn’t leave me. After nine years of teaching I finally faced the opportunity to leave Austria and live abroad. I was 30 years old when I packed my suitcase to work as a language assistant in the South of France. It was an amazing time with all possible ups and downs. I faced many shadows, went through profound processes of becoming myself in letting go of the old, in going through a process of forgiveness and in starting to allow me to live my own LIFE to the fullest. I knew that there was one thing which really called me: travelling and connecting with people.

I spent six years in France, got back to University and was challenged to do my master’s degree in French language. After this, I knew it was time to travelling the world, to do a volunteering in South America and to start writing about my experience.
It was an exciting decade in which I got to know myself. I figured out which my true values were. I knew about my needs and I became so much more self-confident. Living abroad and travelling shaped me like nothing before.


It was obvious that if there was a life purpose I would want to help people to live up to their dreams, to help them figure out what their life’s purpose was, to help them allow themselves to live the life they desire and they deserve. And I equally knew that if someone has forgotten about his or her dreams it was crucial to reconnect with their Inner Child to find out what it was they were craving for in a very young age.

If you have read until here, I am almost sure that you are inspired and curious to know more of the wise little being you once were. The good thing is that you can reconnect with your inner child at any time. Listen. Get still. Feel as if there are no boundaries:

What was your imagination about when you were that little? Where did you want to go? Who did you want to be? What did you want to have? And what did you want to do? Wasn’t the sky the limit?
I so wish that you can hear this subtle voice of your inner child, that you can feel its feelings, that you get a glimpse of its passion, that you can taste and smell what you thought your life adventure could look like and that you can delve into the broader picture of it all.

This is what you are here for. You are meant to live an extraordinary life. Get out of your comfort zone. Meet your inner child. Ask what its favourite flavours are and serve yourself at the buffet of your life.

Dream big.


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