Dream Of A Place To Fly To


Hi all! Just wanted to tell you about an outing we had with our grandchildren. We visited our daughter and her family in Johannesburg and told them that the next day we would be taking them out but did not disclose the location. It was to be a surprise! Our daughter has four boys, Matt , Josh , Dan & Caleb . As we were driving to the place the boys tried as hard as they could to find out where we going so we asked them that if they could fly to any place in the world what would be their dream place be? Matt said Hawaii, Josh said Disney World and Danny said he wanted go on "an adventure".


The place we took them to was the South African Airways Museum at the Rand Airport in Johannesburg and there in an enclosure were some decommissioned airliners from yesteryear. There was a Boeing 747 200 that was taken out of service in 2003 called the "Lebombo" and the boys were able to climb up into this enormous plane and so they could live out their dream of flying to their respective dream locations by sitting in the seats, running up and down the passages and visiting the flight deck. They had such a good time that it was very difficult to drag them away when we had to leave.

The biggest surprise that we adults discovered was that this was the very same aircraft that my wife and I had taken our two daughters on our dream trip to Miami and then on a cruise in 1996! Where do you dream to fly to?

Credit: My own post and photos

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