From the first month of 2022 to keep my lifestyle enjoyable memories

**From the first month of 2022 to keep my lifestyle enjoyable memories. **

From the first month of 2022 to keep my lifestyle enjoyable memories. In 2022, I set a goal to do more of what I had never done before. My goal is straightforward to live at the present time rather than become a billionaire. I am going to make every moment the opposite of brainwashed politics.


It's a lot of joy to look back on, but not always.
The authorities of our country were wildly exaggerated. The police stopped everywhere, strictly banned people from walking on the streets, and urged that everyone be checked and returned home.


Every day there is a brainwashing report from the government by the state emergency commission. The news broadcast every morning at 11:00 on TV for whole years does not improve a person's psychological condition but worsens it and puts them under pressure.


The lockdown lasted until June 2021. Because the presidential election was held in June. Since then, the authorities have taken what they wanted, and the festival has spread. From late 2021 to 2022, the time has come for people to stop believing politicians' lies. Also, people imprisoned for two years have made them painful. Now, on the opposite, we live with Covid daily.
As for me, I plan to get away from the city's smoke in 2022, and I am looking for a place in Tunkhel village, which is 3 hours away from the city by train. In the winter, the air was fresh, and the sky was blue.


I visited a herder family and was interested in the land at an affordable price





I also visited one of my work colleges' guest houses for one night.
Still, I can feel it from the pictures. The air is reenergized and fresh.






Life is fun, it's great to feel alive, and it's great to do things you've never done before. In addition to going out in the fresh air in the summer, I decided to do some essential exercises, including boxing, which is a very active exercise.
That's funny. When I was a child, the area residents children did a lot of bullying in high school. I couldn't fight and respectful friend during the time. How nice it would be if I could go to a boxing club as a kid. Maybe envious. It is a pleasant memory of my childhood because many good memories are associated with the above act.

My birthday is 17 January. I'm excited to post this article on Hive the night before my birthday. Nice ecosystem. I had previously written a lot of memoirs on a local company's blog site. A few years ago, that company shut down the blog service. It was an insulting incident in which I lost many of my memories of the happening. That company is named even now famous. Later, I started using google Blogspot, but it wasn't as good as before. This time, the blockchain hive ecosystem I found is a new world for me, a new notebook, and a new safe environment. Thank you to everyone for your attention.








Today, an old friend had dinner at an expensive restaurant with a 250,000 MNT voucher. It was a perfect day.
Happy New Year to you, and may all the bad things go away from us. Cheers.


And the year was a great opportunity. Also, one of my producer friends decided to do development songwriting training. I am also training as an intern to help. I became an assistant in a training project for his job.
Who knows. Maybe I will create a popular new youtube channel or 3Speak soon using my drawings put on beat.


Before the Covid pandemic, I was a solid planner even not done, i was trying to plan everything. I planned everything strictly and devoted myself to it. Now, in 2022, my perspective has changed 360 degrees, and it's an unpredictable world, so I want to take the opportunity and live in the present.
Before the Covid pandemic, I was a solid planner; I was trying to plan everything without accomplishing it. I was worried about doing it.
I planned everything strictly and devoted myself to it.
Now, in 2022, my perspective has changed 360 degrees, and it's an unpredictable world now, so I want to take the opportunity and live in the present.

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