What's up Steemers, Steemians and the rest of the cohabitant species wandering in this goldsmelling island called steemit ;). 

If you haven't read the first part of this series, check it out rrrright here: 


Alright so my time in Bkk was done, I just grabbed my backpack got the ticket for the nights bus direction to Chiang mai and I'm just waiting for the bus to pick me and the rest of the passengers up while smoking a rollup with an israeli girl.

The bus arrived, there was a good vibe flowing around all us travellers and the sense of moving to a new adventure was just so refreshing.

I practically slept all the way up. By the time we arrived 2 taxi/buses were waiting to take us to the city centre, everyone of the people I met in the bus got in one of them and I got in the other one thinking that they would take us to the same place... 

They didn't.

So I see myself arriving in Chiangmai at 05.45am alone... with the great company of this 60 something old years guy who had written on his face "sex tourist" and an american girl that well... u know ... I was just not feeling it. We decided to book a B&B room for the three of us just to be able to leave the stuff and rest. a few hours later Im on my own wandering around the centric canals of the old city trying to draw a mind map of my surroundings, planning to rent a 125cc moped bike when BAAAM! A moped is going full speed around 100km/h a old man pulls out with a bicicle and get smacked by the moped .


Everyone is looking , the traffic had stopped, the old man impressively is just standing up the guy from the motorbike who literally landed as a plane in the asphalt is about to do so... in the meantime my first reaction was to grab my phone and recorded it, I know really really bad... luckily I was present enough to hear my mind shouting "what the fuck are you doing!!" So I just runned to them switch off the motorbike engine pull it to a side of the road and checked the state of this guy, for every of my reccomendations he would do the opposite so once I saw him standing up and checked that there was no bone fractures I let him go and went straight on my way to the moto rental...

Yeah.... I just don't like the idea of making decissions based on fear. 

For some reason I was feeling a bit down, I wasn't seeing much traveller movement and Ireally wanted to meet people and just have a good time( travelling solo us great but you get time to time some.of this lonely moments...)but it simply wasn't happening and it was getting frustrating... so I said to myself " Karim, stop thinking about what you want to happen, Just flow... and let things come to you.

45min after I crossed my path with an American beautiful girl, Amanda and a chinese girl Onke, I asked them where the people "like us" gathered in this place , hoping for a change , she just point it out and left to go somewhere but then we crossed our path again and invited me to go for lunch with them at a vegan thai cousine lovely restaurant, after eatin it was time to see the temples, beautiful places from an humanist point of view, bear in mind that im atheist ( NO GODS NO KINGS NO MASTERS, ONLY MEN)  it was in one of them where after hearing a loud "bang!" And seeing the scared faces of some tourist I went running to the source of this noise to see a very old western woman laying down face up, she just fell downstairs backwards, yeah two accidents the same day... checked her condition, specially the state of an elbow, washed her face and head to refresh her and after feeling her enormous gratittude we decided that it was about time to ride to the top of the mountain where the doi suthep temple is located and contemplate the incredible view of the sunset.

Later, somehow in the way back we  lost  Onke,so while waiting for her to come back we decided to go for a little glass of red wine.

Onke, managed to come back slightly killing the moment in a way but it was alright really, she was nice and after all I wasn't in this trip for the purpose of "being" with girls  (but you know...) anyway, we went "out out" to the  party area had some drinks and dances, believe me I've got moves

and right there at around 00.30 the music stopped and thats it... "Everybody go home!"

That was unexpected... quickly enough I found out about the after party place took a tuk tuk (sounds funny so I'll type it again "took a tuk tuk" try to say it 4 times quick 😂😂)  and arrive to this place, a litlle bar , one pool table and around 8 people..

Hold on whaaaat? This can't be it, after getting the owner to assure us that in fact this was the place people started flooding the place, the bar staff started a well sistematic process consisting in making the venue sound proof covering the pool table and getting the light system and sound system going.

I won't give to much details about it but to make you guys visualize a bit the situation lets say that there was a poliamory mayhem going on.  By 05.15am we decided to go back and slept like good boys and girls ...  

Next morning I moved to the hostel where this girls were staying STAMPS, and met a new whole bunch of great people who will share amazing experiences with me visiting the canyon where you cliff jump in the water, the 4hours ride to the highest point of thailand to visit the wonderfull temple of doi Inthanon

and the unavoidable and music taste questionnable Zoe at Yellow area. :D. 

Well guys I hope you enjoyed reading this second chapter as much as I enjoy sharing it with you guys, from now on I will only post about the best of my adventures in thailand, I decided that day by day it would simply take me forever :) but don't you worry . The best is still to come .


Feel free to coment, ask or give me advise in any way you find appropiate.



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