Get together and draw!

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For years I had the idea of bringing people together by art.. never really got to action.. it was just an idea...

Fast forward into now... I am the proud initiator and host of 2 editions of draw night at Annes!
And how cool it is to see and hear people saying: oh wow i never take the time to draw and now i sit down 3 times a week and having so much fun! yeay! mission accomplished!

I would like to share more about that later, but for now I would like to thank my inspiration Anne (no kidding it really also is her name..different Anne...)
Here is a little sketch i made at her own draw cafe at the library where she works, it gave me the idea if she can do it... why not me

The theme was great woman in time and I also draw frida kalo..just because she is so fun to draw haha...

I hope i can inspire more people to come together and share creativity and soon I will share my adventure of inviting people at my home to draw together and the coolness that emerged!!

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