Rainy Face - automatic drawing and poetry from a 2015 sketchbook by Orish


Hi everyone! Here is a late 2014 drawing I made. For the Story it was a Page of a Sketch book that has even been flooded due to a small waterleak but it is still here in good shape. As the first name of the drawing was "spirit of rain" I found it Kind of funny. Here after is a poem I wrote inspired by it. [French original Version included]

"She painted her face for love and for war so that on rainy days it was impossible to read her heart."

Few words that come to me as companion of this drawing with multiple influences that I made 8 years ago. An automatic drawing, made at the time with no specific objective except to let my hand run on the paper waiting for a greater inspiration.What we sometimes agonize over is right under our noses.

Seika aka Orish

"Elle peignait son visage pour l'amour et pour la guerre si bien que les jours de pluie il était impossible de lire en son coeur."

Quelques mots qui me viennent pour accompagner ce dessin aux multiples influences réalisé il y a 8 ans de cela. Un dessin automatique, fait à l'èpoque sans objectif précis si ce n'est celui de laisser ma main courir sur le papier dans l'attente d'une plus grande inspiration. Ce que nous cherchons parfois avec angoisse est juste sous notre nez.

Seika aka Orish

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