Drawing Challenge --Winners & New Theme ( SBDs Giveaway ) 绘画比赛 获奖者及新的主题

Welcome to the Drawing Challenge !

we received so many entries from all over the world, which surprised me. I found there are so many lovers of painting in here, and their works look like real ones, some people draw a few sketches with simple tools to stand vividly revealed on the paper, they are really wonderful! I'm full of praise for them.

The theme is flower

Let's see what the guest judge @deanliu said, we knew how difficult to choose...

There are 40 valid entries (some have two entries but seems it is allowed). A few entries failed to satisfy the rules.
At the last moment I decided to ask my wife (no, she has no account here) to be the judge so the final decision is not affected by my personal impressions on several of the contestants. Finally, due to limited spaces and consideration of diversity, many outstanding works cannot enter the final list. At least 4-6 works are almost equally great as the final winners.
Everyone is a winner here. The finalists have just done a little bit better. Congratulations to everyone and also the host @helene for this wonderful contest.

Next let's see these fine picture !

The third prize winners are :

drawing-challenge-2-flower-s-fantasy-step-by-step by @prostosun 3 SBD

Guest judge @deanliu's comment : it feels right !

drawing-challenge-2-rosy-rose-draw-with-susan-susan by @susanlo 3 SBD

Guest judge @deanliu's comment: a rosy rose!

drawing-challenge-2-acrylic-poppies-by-becometheartist by @becometheartist 3 SBD

Guest judge @deanliu's comment : very special presentation and nicely done!

The Second Prize winners are :

drawing-challenge-2-woman-flower by @catherinegairard 5 SBD

Guest judge @deanliu's comment: Magical and bold brushes to give the drawing exuberant vitality

drawing-challenge-2-learn-to-draw-with-nicole-7-flower-with-water-color-pencil-7 by @nicolemoker 5 SBD

Guest judge @deanliu's comment : A total package of drawing demonstration - it's got everything needed and much more.

The First Prize winner is :

drawing-challenge-2-rose-with-water-drops by @dwightjaden 10 SBD

Guest judge @deanliu's comment : demonstrating the ultimate fun of drawing - with just one pen and you can create a whole world!

All rewards were given away !

Thank you for every participant and guest judge @deanliu.

Now Drawing Challenge #3 will begin! Welcome to join it and won the prize!

This Week's Guest judge : @sweetsssj

I guess everyone knows her, huh? She is so famous that she has tens of thousands of fans. From her beautiful blog, we not only appreciate the Chinese traditional culture, but also enjoy the famous historic and cultural sites around the world. These places are beautiful ( such as museum of art, ancient and modern architecture, etc. ) and full of tremendous aesthetic artistic value and art attraction, I suggest all of you( especially new steemians) don't miss her blog .

This Week's Theme:Fruit


You can draw whatever you like, as long as you draw it by yourself, it is accepted.

The Prize:

The First prize 10 SBD
The Second prize (two peoples)5 SBD
The Third prize ( three peoples)3 SBD

Sponsored by @helene

Rules of competition:

please read these carefully and abide by the rules

1、The title is: Drawing Challenge#3+ your title

2、The first tag must be drawingchallenge

3、Take photo of step by step process (this is one of the most important criterion)

4、The works must be marked with your own names

5、Post a link or your entry below the comment thread.

6、No restriction on drawing technique or painting type.

7、You can submit up to 2 entries.

8、Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel his qualification permanently.

9、The deadline for submission is August 31, and winners were announced on Sep 3.


上期我们收到了众多的来自世界各地的参赛作品, 这让我很是意外。原来这里有这么多绘画爱好者,他们的作品不仅惟妙惟肖,更是用画笔点会了生活的热情,有的简单几笔就跃然纸上,令我赞叹不已。


看看我们的嘉宾评委@deanliu 说的,就知道他的评选有多难。












不用我介绍估计大家都知道她的吧,呵呵。steemit 上大名鼎鼎的甜心妹妹。从她的众多blog中,我们不仅欣赏了中国传统文化还欣赏了世界各地名胜古迹,这些旅游资源中(比如艺术馆,博物馆,古、现代建筑等等)饱含着巨大的美学艺术价值、散发着无比的艺术吸引力,新来的朋友千万别错过她的blog 哦。


一等奖 1名 10 SBD
二等奖 2名 5 SBD
三等奖 3名 3 SBD


1、标题为:Drawing Challenge#3+ your title








9、截止时间:8月31日 公布时间:9月3日

Previous Winners of the Drawing Challenge:

Drawing Challenge #2

Drawing Challenge #1

If you have any questions, you can contact me on Steemit.chat under the same name.


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