Drawing Exercise- Self Portrait


First of all... can we just take a moment to lament the inadequacy of most cameras to capture what the human eye can see? Because this looks so much more incredible in person. And I love it.

Okay, so to the human eye it all just looks smoother, and the "gradient", if you will, from dark to light shadow looks less grainy/patchy, and the "hard lines" don't look nearly so hard.

I'll go ahead and take the time to snap a better quality photo tomorrow, using my actual camera rather than my phone's excuse for a camera. I've done enough work on this one to warrant a true-to-life image.

It was such a good day today.

I'm grateful to have felt so Confident- with a capital "C"- today! Omar and I went to the gym, and even though I'm far weaker than I was the last time we went, I recognize that, as a person with a menstrual cycle, there will be times that I feel like I can really smash it at the gym, but there will also be other times, like this one, where I feel significantly less capable of lifting heavy weights. 

And that's okay.

​Lately, I've been really looking in to the inner-workings of the menstrual cycle. Please, bear with me, I promise this isn't going to get gross. I've just been starting to look into the other phases that occur, aside from the week of menses. I'm familiar enough with that one... but I've not given as much thought and consideration into the other phases of the process. I mean, it's not like... you have one week that feels like total rot, and then the other three are all roses and sunshine. So many other processes are occurring within the body throughout those other three weeks, that it blows my mind!

I won't go into much more detail on that, but I thought it was important to share a little more information about what I've been studying as I've been focused on this drawing.

It is, actually, a self-portrait. And in that, it weighs that much more heavily on my mind. A lot love and empathy is going into this drawing. Self-love, after-all, is a hot topic these days.

And I'm totally with that.

This drawing is still not done.

More to come.

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