It has become a great time!

Hello everyone!
It is my day off and I had some English class today.


I have two teachers in Japan. One is a Filipino girl whom I can talk 'Girl's Talk' like about a romance or topics peculiar to a woman. We sometimes complain about her husband or guys lol.
Other is an American guy. We often talk about more general topics that it is sometimes difficult to discuss for me even if it is in Japanese lol, however, he always teaches not only English but also a lot of things that I don't know.

Both of them are very nice and I really like them. But I can meet them only twice or three times a month that means it is not enough to increace my speaking skills, so recently I have started taking English lesson online.

I met with Bosnian and Serb. I can talk with them online almost everyday. To tell the truth, I didn't know anything about their countries even where they are located in the earth. I thought that our worlds are totally different. We have a lot of different aspects like a culture, background or creed and so on. But as I talk with them more, I realized it is not like that at all. There are no barriers to become a friend with them.
We have good chemistry! Their taste for music and movies are so simillar to me. And they always listen to me whenever there is someting good happen to me or I'm in tough time. I can often have empathy what they feel as well, and vice versa.(I hope!)


I know different people have different impression but I learnt that it depends on an individual, not a country.
I really glad to see them. If I didn't alive in this time and age, I couldn't have a chance to meet them forever because of the less technology in the past.

I want to be able to talk with them more fluently~~! This is a one of my resolution of 2018!

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