Random Portrait #5 - Just keep smiling!


Smiling doesn't necessarily mean you're happy. Sometimes it just means you're strong.

That's right. No matter how hard your life is, how much pain you have to suffer, and you feel like nothing you can do to change your fate, sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day, hold back the tears and pretend you're okay. Sometimes it's the greatest cure.

That's what I will and always do when I'm facing a hard time. I will set on my mind that God knows the best and there will be my turn to be happy someday. I believe that my time will come where all the difficulties will end, it's just the matter of time. So keep patient and smile. You can do it to.

Here's my drawing to cheer you up:

Just pretend she's smiling at you and she's deserve to get smiled back ;-)

This the only what I can draw today. But I love the smile anyway. And hope so does you. How was your day?

The drawing process:




And that's it! Thanks for reading and keep smiling!

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