My Entry To Draw a Scene - 21-March-2018


This is my entry for the drawing contest organized by @monajam. You can find the contest here

Here is what the scene should look like:

A kid is sitting under a tree with a book in his hand. He is wearing a cap. He is not reading the book; rather, he is looking at some birds flying in the sky. His house could easily be seen from a distance

1.) I started with a line drawing to have a guide on where I want to place the elements specified by the rules. This served as my checklist in ensuring I got the kid, his cap, the book, tree, birds and the house.


2 .) Tried filling in the white spaces with some colors to see what will best represent the sunny outdoors I had in mind.

3.) Finalized the form and look of the birds, I went for swallows. I started defining the house and its surroundings. I didn't like the flip back cap so I changed it to the usual cap then added a long golden hair to the boy.

4.)This is the finished look. I added the following details to complete the summer vibe: white clouds, flowers on a green grass, and the river. I added shadows, distant trees and smoke from the chimney to add depth.

This art was made using Autodesk Android app.

I hope you like it.

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