Drama Mamma

In this world, if there is no drama in your life, your life tends to sound boring and unwanting. But to be honest, I would rather have a boring life but a peaceful one; gives me room to cherish the precious things or moments.
More drama, more problems - that's what I know.
In womanhood, we can't help but want to trigger some tension or create drama, either with our men or other women - gossip!
What we forget is as we create this new dome of lies or assumptions or expectations, time doesn't wait. You miss on the present and later on blame others for your own unconsciousness.
Would you rather live in the present and take things by asking and gaining truth as they are or create disturbance of your life path?

As Eckhart Tolle puts it, "Whenever you are not honoring the present moment by allowing it to be, you are creating drama."

Lovely reading... 💙

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