Like racecars and drag racing? Check out the Buffalo Valley Dragway.

Gentlemen start your engines...


How's this for some fun shit to do in Tennessee??? Go drag racing!!! That's right folks, we're all going to put on women's clothes and take off running down the street HA HA.

How much more fun than this can you have for only $10? That's all it costs to get in and watch racecars all night. Beats going to an arcade or the mall or seeing a movie HA HA.

This is what the track looks like in the daytime before all the cars arrive.


Here are some pictures of the cars that were racing.



There was even a racecar there named after my son HA HA. For those who don't know, my sons name is Maverick. And anyone who knows about racecars knows about the Ford Maverick. Sure enough this guy brought his Ford Maverick to race.
Maverick's Car.jpg

The Ford Maverick
Maverick's Car3.jpg

This Ford Maverick was baddass!!! Now I know what racecar toys to get for my son.
Maverick's Car5.jpg

You can check out the Buffalo Valley Dragway's website here:

Saturday nights are test and tune night so it only costs $10 to get in. Each driver races to test and tune their cars getting them ready to race for real. I'm sure other nights they actually race it costs more to get in. As a driver you can win money and trophies if you place. Just check out the website for more information.

Thanks for looking and,

Stay Un-Tune-Ed...

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