Giving a Dragon the Blues

I had named this adventure Blue Dragon Side Quest. Only because there is a Blue Dragon in it, and Side Quest, because I scaled it down to fit on one map. The original idea was that the dragon was shapeshifting into a politician who went about town enacting evil laws and such things. That part of the scene did not get fully developed. What did get developed is my implementation of the U.S. Army's Operations Order format into the adventure. This proved to be an ideal way to formulate the setting of this session (but I'll cover why in another post).

Quick backstory: King needs dragon killed, adventurers are all local leaders who've lent most of their own treasures away to their own level 1 fighters, mages, and thieves. Players accept and go into the dungeon.

Room 1: The first trap I sprung at the players was really just a scam. The players are already incredibly low on magic items, one was given a Sword +1/+5 vs dragons. At the entrance of the museum are two very charismatic bards, one a blue half dragon and the other is a regular looking human. They have a tent and other shade giving constructions in the area. They warn the characters that all weapons must be checked at the door. They motion to the rack of weapons just outside. MY players know I'm a real butt hole. These two impostors are the lookouts. Bard hirelings here to make sure that anyone entering the building is left defenseless. Now, what they are saying is true, weapons activate the buildings magical security system if they are brought in. But the rest of the thieves guild has already brought in many weapons and the system is fully activated. Once the players make it in, the bards make a run for it and cut any horses loose.

Room A: Standard Fire Trap. Dangerous. 18D10 fire damage. I laugh when it gets set off. Bwahahaha! There are two of them by the way!

Room 2: Two Fire Elemental guardians eject themselves from the torches on the wall. I laugh as the characters fight without weapons. Haha-again!

Room 3, 4, & 5: I cut the characters a break here and provide them with antique weapons made of bronze, obsidian, chitin, and bone. These weapons are fragile and have a chance to break upon use. Non-metal weapons are also less effective and have negative to hit and damage. Pretty challenging IMO. Even though the characters are all level 18 and these are just two CR 5 monsters, it was super tough for them because somehow they pulled a Scooby Doo and split the party before finishing room 1. They literally didn't enter the building yet and already split up!!!

Room 9: Reading Room. Here I put several books that provided boons or curses once read. Many of the books alluded to what they'd find later. Titles such as "How to Avoid Comets on the Astral Plane" provided an advantage when avoiding the comet in room D, and "Task of the Jarl" a trap because I think Skyrim is super boring - save vs sleep.

Room 7 is important because several suits of full plate with full steel armaments decorate the walls -spears, pole-arms, swords, and noticeably battered shields. Actually these suits protect the walls. Each suit is filled with gears because later a huge bronze globe will come rolling down the stairs and the suits are magically programmed to shift the shields forward to protect themselves. At the other end of this room is a teleporter-slash-secret door which allows the globe to reset itself right outside the boss room.

Closet: Here I put an opportunity for the players to find out what's going on through dialogue. Unlike many adventures, the dragon in this dungeon does not have minions. All the minions are back in town. Instead, the players must face off against a large gang of high level bards and thieves. In this closet is the only good aligned thief. A gnome named Gerbo who is planning his escape. Gerbo regrets becoming involved in this heist. He'd really like to join the party, should they show him mercy. My players killed him like they kill everyone. :(

What kind of books would you include in the library? What ancient weapons would you mercifully supply the party with in rooms 4,5, & 6? Ideas, suggestion? Stay tuned!

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