The Dragon Family Lawsuit

The claim
In June 2009 two Japanese men were arrested in the Italian Chiasso, near the Swiss border. The two Japanese, Yamaguchi and Watanabe, carried in the double bottom of their suitcase Federal Reserve Bonds with a face value of 134,500 billion dollar. [2] The two were accused of having counterfeits in their possession and after the arrest their bonds were confiscated by the Italian police. After they were brought before the court, they were quickly released and there is no police or legal report anywhere to be found, neither in the Italian police record, nor at the Financial Police, nor at Interpol. However, the confiscated bonds remained in the hands of the Italians and there is proof that they have been redeemed by the Italian government and the Federal Reserve Bank in new York and placed in a financial program of the United Nations.

However, on November 23, 2011, the clouds parted. A vast, 111-page legal complaint was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

MANHATTAN (CN) – An American expatriate in Bulgaria claims the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Office of International Treasury Control and the Italian government conspired with a host of others to steal more than $1.1 trillion in financial instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.
The 111-page federal complaint involves a range of entities common to conspiracy theorists, including the Vatican Illuminati, the Masons, the “Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission,” and the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Plaintiff Neil Keenan claims he was entrusted in 2009 with the financial instruments — which included U.S. Federal Reserve notes worth $124.5 billion, two Japanese government bonds with a combined face value of $19 billion, and one U.S. “Kennedy” bond with a face value of $1 billion — by an entity called the Dragon Family, which is a group of several wealthy and secretive Asian families.

DRAGON FAMILY LAWSUIT Keenan Complaint 11-23-2011 SDNY

This is a civil claim arising out of the concerted, knowing, malicious scheme and international conspiracy engaged in by the Defendants for the designed purpose of defrauding plaintiff KEENAN, the designated Agent of his Principal, the “Dragon Family,” for the express purpose of expropriating, stealing and converting certain negotiable financial instruments lawfully owned by the Dragon Family and entrusted to KEENAN in early 2009. These assets (hereinafter referred to as the “Dragon Family Financial Instruments” or the “DFFI”) had been intended for participation in select, registered and authorized Private Placement Investment Programs (or “PPPs”) for the benefit of a wide range of global humanitarian purposes. At the time of the criminal and deceitful acts of the Defendants, the approximate face value of the stolen DFFI was One Hundred Forty-Five and One Half Billion ($145,500,000,000.00) United States Dollars with an approximate accrued interest value of One Trillion ($1,000,000,000,000.00) United States Dollars

At a certain point in complex negotiations, Keenan instructed the two Japanese citizens - Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsuyoshi Watanabe acting as couriers for "The Dragon Family" - to transport the bonds to the proper Swiss banking authorities for their ultimate redemption. The detention of Watanabe and Yamagushi, and confiscation of the 134.5 billion in bonds by the Italian financial police on the border town of Chiasso, according to the lawsuit, was part of an elaborate attempt to steal the bonds entrusted to Keenan by a host of actors. This leads to the core claim of the lawsuit which involves the second set of financial instruments with a face value of 145.5 billion dollars, that was given to one of the defendants Daniel Dal Bosco in September 2009. The lawsuit explains:

The DFFI [Dragon Family Financial Instruments] had been entrusted to Keenan in early 2009 by the Dragon Family. Months thereafter, in September 2009, Keenan was fraudulently induced through the conspiratorial actions and schemes of the Defendents to transfer and entrust the DFFI for temporary safekeeping and custodianship to defendant Daniele Dal Bosco (p.9).
In addition to Dal Bosco, the Office of International Treasure Control and its principal officers, the named targets of the lawsuit include the Italian Financial Police, the Italian government and former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the World Economic Forum and its banking head, Giancarlo Bruno, the United Nations and its Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon.
David Sale and the Office of International Treasury Control

The case outlined in the lawsuit is very complex and details what appears to be an elaborate attempt to defraud Neil Keenan of bonds entrusted to him by the Dragon Family. Keenan is described as a US citizen currently residing in Bulgaria who first come into contact with the Dragon Family in August 2008 due to his political connections, and assistance with bank contacts in Cyprus. The principal parties named in the lawsuit are Dr Ray Dam and the Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) which he founded; a senior OITC officer, David Sale; and Daniel Bosco who is described as having gained possession of the bonds in September 2009, and entering into an agreement with the OITC. The lawsuit contests:

(d) the execution of a written agreement between DAL BOSCO and defendants OITC and SALE, with the full knowledge and authority of DAM, whereby DAL BOSCO openly repudiated his duties as custodian of the DFFI [Dragon Family Financial Instruments, e.g., Federal Reserve notes, etc., seized near Chiasso, Switzerland ];

(e) the issuance of an illegal and utterly baseless Cease and Desist Order under which OITC asserted the thoroughly and knowingly false proposition that the DFFI was, in fact, in the lawful possession of the OITC, which has acted for decades with impunity and under the asserted umbrella of protection allegedly accorded by the United Nations

U.S. District Court Lawsuit involving the Dragon Family

The U.S. District Court lawsuit has aroused considerable controversy over its authenticity and the ownership of the 134.5 billion in Federal Reserve notes, bonds and other financial instruments.

The lawsuit was filed by William Mulligan Jr and Justin Gardner from Bleakley Platt and Schmidt, a reputable New York law firm. [4]

The principal plaintiff in the lawsuit, Neil Keenan, claims to have been defrauded by a number of official government agencies and political figures including a little known organization called the Office of International Treasury Control (OITC), and its principal officers Dr Ray Dam (President) and David Sale (Deputy Chief of the Council for Cabinet of OITC).

On the other hand, Sale claims that Keenan and his accomplices fraudulently gained possession of the bonds from the OITC. Importantly, neither of the two parties contesting ownership of the bonds dispute their validity.

Ray Dam, Kathy M., and Neil Keenan have reached an agreement as to what, why, where, when, and how David Sale, an OITC employee, used Neil Keenan’s (SKR Holder) safekeeping receipt of the Dragon Family’s notes and twisted Daniel Dal Bosco’s simple little brain into believing the OITC were the actual owners themselves rather than holders.

Crayford states: “…because the American Courts hold no authority or Jurisdiction over the ITC / OITC. In fact it is the other way around. The ITC / OITC hold more jurisdiction over America than what the people actually know about, and could, and possibly will, turn America and its allies in this Fraud and Theft,

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