How Many Posts Do You Read Of…

How Many Posts Do You Read Of…

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…those you are curating (voting up)? With the new tribes and Steem-Engine tokens, many people are curating much more than before. Some are claiming to vote for dozens of posts a day. (See this poll.) Then that could be hours of curating if they read them… but maybe some are not reading the big part of the posts.
How many posts do you read of those you are voting up?

  • Zero or almost zero

  • 10-40 percent (some of them)

  • 40-60 percent (around the half)

  • 60-90 percent (most of them)

  • All or almost all

  • I don’t curate

Answer the question at

How Many Posts Do You Read Of…
You may select 1 choices
Zero or almost zero
10-40 percent (some of them)
40-60 percent (around the half)
60-90 percent (most of them)
All or almost all
I don’t curate
3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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