What does Steem need right now?

What does Steem need right now?

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I hear people talk about a killer app. The way they talk about it, you'll think it's the magic wand to all of Steem's problems.

I think a killer app can help draw users to Steem and also give the price of Steem a boost. But success isn't anything if you can't sustain it.

Anyway, I want to hear your thoughts. What is the one thing Steem needs right now?

  • New management

  • Killer app

  • Strong competition

  • Hardfork (specify the changes you want)

  • Others

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.

What does Steem need right now?
You may select 1 choices
New management
Killer app
Strong competition
Hardfork (specify the changes you want)
3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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