Can Structured Authoring and Web Content Delivery Co-exist?

Can Structured Authoring and Web Content Delivery Co-exist?

Mark Baker, Sarah O’Keefe and Tom Johnson did a little friendly sparring back in May, and of course we had to jump in with a poll question on whether structured authoring and web content can co-exist. So far, two-thirds say they must co-exist, but only 27 percent say they already do in their organizations. Have things changed since May? If you haven’t voted, now’s your chance, and do post a comment on your experience.
Can structured authoring and writing content for web delivery co-exist in the real world today?

  • Yes. It can and does co-exist in my world.

  • No. The agile nature of web content makes single sourcing and reuse hard, and possibly irrelevant

  • Yes, they’d better. The content management and publishing tools need to evolve—like yesterday—to allow for web formats, customizable versioning and integration into more systems.

  • Not sure… here’s what I know about how we do it now and what I think we should do. (post a comment, please!)

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Can Structured Authoring and Web Content Delivery Co-exist?
You may select 1 choices
Yes. It can and does co-exist in my world.
No. The agile nature of web content makes single sourcing and reuse hard, and possibly irrelevant
Yes, they’d better. The content management and publishing tools need to evolve—like yesterday—to allow for web formats, customizable versioning and integration into more systems.
Not sure… here’s what I know about how we do it now and what I think we should do. (post a comment, please!)
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