Do You Doubt Yourself whole day for every stupid thing?

Cant decide? AND even if you do, you are still not sure if it is a right desicion..

We have the same problem! :) Facing Doubt on daily basic is not easy why to live.
Doing my research on this subject, first of all I learned that everyone have this big
problem. We are douthfull creatures, we are born this why. Core of this doubt is fear..Unconscious fear of death..
Understanding this is theory is just not that hard, but in reality takes a lot of work.
We can gain power over death anxiety.

Your heart : “I’ve always wanted to be Yoga teachrer . I’ve always wanted to have a hobby as my job . I can’t wait!”

The doubting you: “What do you know about Yoga ? There are already Yoga teachers everywhere, You are not even a buddhist

Your heart: “But I really want to do it. I think I’ve got a unique perspective and I enjoy Yoga myself .”

The doubting you: “Who would come to your classes ? What if no one comes ? You don’t have time for that anyway.
It would be a big waste of time and you’d only end up an embarrassment”

hmm sounds familiar? ;)

You don’t have to doubt yourself anymore. Sit somewhere in quiet place,
take apox. 15min for yourself.

Find that one thing that bothers you.. For me that was doubt in my decision..
I make one or two :) bad desicion in life as we all are..and end up in Pain..
then doubt take over..So I stated to look at my problem seriously.. I sit and
I look that doubt directly.. Stare at that problem, focus every atom of your body,
feel the problem. That is only 15 min use it completely, accept the problem and
finaly be the problem.

This help me to be really straight with myself.. Try it, you will not regret, I promise!

P.S. If you have problem to focus for 15 min follow me next week I will write
about focus and meditation.

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