House Panel Subpoenas DOJ, FBI For “Trump Dossier” Records

The one Russia-collusion narrative that Democrats have actively worked to suppress is coming back to haunt them.
Investigators from the House Intelligence Committee have issued subpoenas to the DOJ and FBI for information related to the now-infamous Trump dossier that, as we recently learned, was provided to the FBI even though it contained knowingly inaccurate allegations.
In reality, Democrats may be worried that, if the background materials are finally publicized, they could terminally damage the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.
Republicans have rightfully argued that it is important to understand the genesis of the dossier and whether it was created to sabotage Trump during his successful campaign for president, and also whether Democrats intentionally tried to mislead the FBI.
The dossier was funded by a group called Fusion GPS that conducts political opposition research and was initially hired by anti-Trump Republicans during the primary before switching to the Democrats after Trump had secured the nomination. One of its co-founders, Glenn Simpson, a longtime investigative reporter at the Wall Street Journal, abruptly canceled voluntary testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee back in July.


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