I achieved a thing.. Door Dash experience.


Hooray! HOORAY!

I achieved a thing. The thing that let's me do more things, more often, with a bit of "Ooh, la la".

I'm top dasher because me performed well and stuff.


I'm on my way to 300 delievereenos.

The perks I have are 2;

  1. I'm able to Dash even when it's quiet, rather than having to schedule a time.
  2. I've levelled up to get a prioritised on the algorithm to be slightly more specials.

It inflates my Ego a little.


It has inflated my "Eggo" a little bit.

Last night, I put a little bit more effort in.
I was motivated to spend time honing my Customer Service skill.
I talk to the businesses a little more. Befriending staff members who help to expedite my order.
I message customers as to the status of their order. Their order, is the most important order, in the entire World.


As Tom MacDonald sings in his song, Fake Woke:

Order food and call the cops, see what reaches you first

So, the little,"badge", from DoorDash has made this "Independent Contractor" (a.k.a. Slave) willing to change his own leash.
Ah, modern society.

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