Combatting Doomer Porn

I see so much doomer porn videos and memes (Wojack) that I find it necessary to throw out into the ethos a serious counter-narrative. I understand the humor in the videos and memes but I also understand the harmful psychological effects it has on Millennials and Gen-Z.


Even populist minded journalists perpetuate the doomer culture, primarily because it helps keep the clicks coming for themselves. Even on Gab where there is a more independent minded attitude, the doomer porn is everywhere. I private messaged a couple of these "good guys" and I was honestly shocked at their total lack of interest in promoting real alternatives.

The theme is there is no future and no work to be had, for we are all doomed. I stand here today to scream across the digital mountain tops that this is bullsh%$!

The secret is in the TRADES !

A trade besides being a vehicle for financial stability, a source of self-worth and confidence, is also a form of art. I have been truly impressed by some guys abilities and knowledge in there respective trades. I have seen master machinists, plumbers, electricians do the impossible. The trades are the meat and potato's of a truly dignified and independent people. The amount of value to a person is unquantifiable. Let's look at how to get involved!

Here is some real world practical advice, the formula is the same for all major metropolitan areas:

  • If you live in a highly regulated big city like NYC, what you need to do is join a adult trade class like .
  • Once you obtain some knowledge then you need to obtain relevant certificates from FDNY They are easy tests and a necessary step.
  • Once you obtain a couple certificates of fitness (CoF) and have some experience from BOCES class, you will be in excellent position to apply for helpers jobs in your field.
  • Take any job you can get in the field first, experience is worth more than money right now.
  • Show up on time and learn as much as you can while networking. Continue looking on-line for the next best job.
  • You will make a lot of money and will have developed a sense of pride and worth.
  • Keep your eyes opened for civil service exams, sign up and take the test. You will be put on a city list and called up for job interviews for the city or you can stick with the private sector if it suits you
  • You will now also have the ability to do side jobs and start your own business.
  • The possibilities are endless
    = Plumbing, Electrical, Masonry, Carpentry, HVAC, Boiler/Chiller Plant Operator, Welding, Auto, Painting, etc All of these trades pay very well!

In right to work states, suburban, and rural areas the process will likely be more straightforward. Apply for a helpers job and show interest and work hard. You will gain valuable experience you can build upon.

Why do we not come across more REAL WORLD guidance such as this on social media? The answer is, "it doesn't matter" To hell with influencers and doomer porn advocates. Its time to take your life and future back and there is no shortage of opportunity!


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