Doodletrends Drawing Contest: A. I. Mantis

Hello Steemians and Doodletrendistas, this is a doodle of a mantis that I made as my entry to the Doodletrends Drawing Contest. The theme for this round is about designing an Artificial Intelligence Mantis To those who do not know yet, this contest is about creating a quick doodle using any material of your choice to depict the given theme.
AI mantis.jpg
The time I set myself to beat this time is five minutes. I know this is already a late entry but I would still want to post it. I drew a mantis using crayola tips pen in purple. I made the eyes bigger and darker to give the character that AI vibe. The wings are smaller because this mantis does combat mostly on land and does not need to fly.

Hope you guys like my entry to the Doodletrends Drawing Contest of @steempampanga. If you are into creating doodles in a quick manner, I encourage you to join and have fun in this contest. See you then.

Have a nice day

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