Contest - I will donate 300 STEEM to buy food/water/medicine


STEEM and Steemit have been a true blessing for many of us. Two years ago I invested any spare EUR I had to buy STEEM and can say today that it was one of the best financial decisions I made to date.

To share a bit of the luck I had, I like to donate 300 STEEM to someone who will use the donation to help as many people as possible by providing food/water/medicine.

In order to find the most suitable candidate, I am mainly interested to get a clear response in regards to How, What and When.

Write a post on Busy/Steemit using the #donatesteem tag and describe in detail...

  • How you will use the 300 STEEM to help people in your area / neighbourhood.
  • Be specific about what you will do.
  • Provide a clear timeline when you will do it.

    Think also about how can you proof to the community that you didn't keep the donation but spent it to your charity cause, so please be sure you can fulfil what you promise.

    I will pick a winner (provided there are suitable submissions) after the payout period (7days) and write a follow up post to introduce the winner. In that post I will also show a screenshot of the STEEM transaction to the winner so it will be clear for everyone to see that I fulfilled my end of the promise. (Thats why we all love the blockchain.)

    If you like this cause and want to support these kind of initiatives, than please resteem so it will reach as many users as possible.

Please don't forget to use the tag #donatesteem

Good luck All!

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Auteursrecht: rawpixel / 123RF Stockfoto

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