***Please help me (Tim Paulsen) with medical bills***

Hi Steemian friends!

I am hoping that there may be someone with great heart out there who is willing to help this guy with a serious medical condition. I believe that posting this would give this guy hope and possibility to live another day. Please help me share this post. Thank you very much!

This is his story:

"As many of my friends know, I have had a bad internal bleeding problem for over 2 years. I know this is disgusting but has been a part of my every day, two to 3 times a day and after seeing 3 specialist, no one could give me a diagnosis.

I was sent to a Digestive specialist in Michigan city which is almost an hour away 1- way. The specialist said if I let this go I would be dead in 2 years and that an A-scopy and a C-scopy needed to be performed right away. He was kind enough to do the procedure without being paid up front but now I have a $12,900.00 medical bill that must be paid before I can get follow up labs which are crucial with me being diabetic.

This picture is gruesome and I apologize but I feel that if you are even considering helping me out, You deserve to see the proof that the surgery was done.

Forgive me for my vocabulary, I am not a doctor, what the surgeon did and what happened was, He slit me from the back side of my testicles, through my anus and then another 3/4" of an inch above that. He said when he did that, a tumor fell out of my lower abdomen and that is why I have been bleeding out. The pain is immense, I can hardly walk, I cant drive, I cant walk up and down stairs or lift anything that weighs more than 8-10 pounds. The cost of the medication is $100.00 every 5 days.

We have tried to go this alone but we are broke, I have to go see the surgeon every 5 days which is in total a 2 hour drive so the gas costs add up very quick, Then there is car insurance, Utility bills and grocery's for me, my wife and my copper pup.

I have no idea how I am going to pay rent and the stress level around here is at an all time high. Many of you know me from EarCandy pro Audio, however, I cannot work for another 2 weeks, minimum according to my army of medical specialist.

The great news is, the surgeon found the problem and fixed it. He told my wife this is the most brutal surgery a man can go through. He is right! I have had dual kidney surgery with large stones, carpel tunnel surgery and a colon and sigmondoscopy (sp?) along with diabetic kedo acidosis and those 4 combined do not come close to the pain from this tumor removal.
I just need a small leg up so I can get back to work. Everyone who donates will get a little something hand made by me in the earcandy shop. I cant say what because money is basically non existent at this point. I have been told by 2 specialist, this is the final problem and once healed, I will feel better and have more energy than I have had in years.

The situation is rather urgent because if we get evicted, we have no where to go. My wife was told not to get a job because she is my temporary care taker and to have a nursing assistant come in once a day would cost more than she could make in a day. I have no one left in my immediate family, they have all passed away with the exception of my brother who recently suffered his own tragedy by falling off a ladder, crushing all the ribs on his right side, smashing his pelvic bone and obtaining a massive concussion with bleeding on the brain.

Look, I love charity, that is being on the giving end of it, not the receiving end of it. I am 44 years old, so half time is coming up where I will give myself a serious pep talk and come out working harder than I did during the 1st half. I sincerely thank you for your time and am humbled by any help you could administer in my direction.
I Thank you & my wife thanks you!"

Please feel free to open the source site for more information and directions on how to donate. I am praying that everybody is well and healthy.


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